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with memory war as keyword
Jutterdal, Johannes Hagelberg, Elin
Debatten om bortträngda minnen och hur vi inkodar traumatiska minnen har pågått sedan 80-talet. Forskningen på området är splittrad och ofta hörs bara extrema röster. Studier i andra länder har undersökt hur psykologer och psykologstudenter förhåller sig till ämnet men det saknas forskning i Sverige. Syftet med denna studie var att genom en kvantit...
Hübinette, Tobias Wikström, Peter Samuelsson, Johan
This is a study of the Swedish debate on statues and monuments to the world-famous Swedish natural scientist Carl Linnaeus that took place during the Black Lives Matter movement breakthrough in the summer of 2020. The purpose is to examine how understandings of race, racism, identity,and history were articulated in the debate. The empirical materia...
Dodier, Olivier Patihis, Lawrence Payoux, Mélany
Published in
Memory (Hove, England)
Recovered memories of abuse in therapy are especially controversial if the clients were not aware they were abused before therapy. In the past, such memory recovery has led to legal action, as well as a debate about whether such memories might be repressed, forgotten, or false memories. More than two decades after the height of the controversy, it ...
Savarese, Éric
RésuméCet article examine les différents aspects des processus de politisation des enjeux liés aux rapatriés d’Algérie, depuis 1962. Définie en termes de passage des activités sociales ou d’objets collectifs dans le champ politique, la politisation appartient aux processus dont les rapatriements font l’objet, et qui s’inscrivent dans la durée. Dans...