de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, Everton Mendes Capraro, André Moraes e Silva, Marcelo
Cet article vise à analyser la mémoire des footballeurs brésiliens sur les dilemmes entre le métier d’athlète et la vie en dehors du sport. La collecte des sources a eu lieu à travers l’histoire orale, qui est une méthode de recherche caractérisée par des entretiens qui permettent de comprendre un certain thème à travers l’expérience et l’approche ...
Glickman, Nora
Published in
Latin American Jewish Studies
In this article, I look at the documentary films of four Latin American Jewish directors whose filmography has rapidly expanded over the past two decades: Guita Schyfter from Mexico, Sandra Kogut from Brazil, Jeanine Meerapfeel from Argentina and Germany, and Gabriela Bohm from Argentina and the United States. In the course of interviews conducted...
Ludwiczak, Kamil Raj, Monika
A teacher doesn’t have to, but he/she can be a master. Then he/she has a great influence on his/her student’s work. That’s what our text is about, among other things. Professor Bożena Ewa Nowina-Sroczyńska was and is, without a doubt, a mistress for many people whose biographies have been associated with ethnography, ethnology and cultural anthropo...
prokopová, tereza
V dnešní době, kdy se společnost neustále vyvíjí a mění, přicházejí i nové myšlenky ohledně tradičních způsobů rozloučení s našimi blízkými. Snažila jsem se vymyslet inovativní přístup k poslednímu rozloučení, tím je vsyp popela do jezírka, což nabízí nejen estetický a symbolický prvek, ale také spojuje člověka s přírodou. Tradiční pohřbívání do ze...
stoica, ovidiu cristinel
Quantum states containing records of incompatible outcomes of quantum measurements are valid states in the tensor-product Hilbert space. Since they contain false records, they conflict with the Born rule and with our observations. I show that excluding them requires a fine-tuning to an extremely restricted subspace of the Hilbert space that seems “...
cunha, ana margarida pereira, andreia cardoso, ana paula da silva, aida moreira barroca, maria joão f. guiné, raquel p.
White crowberries (Corema album) are a fruit from an endemic shrub found in Southern European Atlantic costal dunes. Although this shrub and its fruits never became a formal commercial crop for a number of reasons, it has a long-lasting relevance and tradition, much associated with summer, beach and holidays. The main goal of this study was to cond...
Popescu, Mara (author)
This paper looks back into the past, to Bucharest during its communist regime. The communist regime lasted from 1947 until 1989, when it ended with a revolution. From 1965 until its end, Nicolae Ceausescu was the leader and his plans and ambitions created big losses among the population and the city.0F0F This research focuses on the analysis of the...
Lamond, Elliott Saluja, Supreet Hislop, Chloe J. Stevenson, Richard
Published in
Royal Society Open Science
One prediction derived from the disease avoidance account of disgust is that proximal disgust cues (smells, tastes and touches) should elicit this emotion more intensely than distal disgust cues (sights and sounds). If correct, then memories of disgusting experiences should involve smelling, tasting or touching to a greater degree than seeing or he...
Matijevič, Larisa
Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati pozitivne učinke terapevtske fotografije na posameznike, ki se srečujejo z depresijo, žalovanjem in podobnimi čustvenimi izzivi. Cilj je ustvariti konceptualno fotografsko serijo s črno-belimi fotografijami v obliki fotoknjige, narejene na podlagi lastnih spominov pokojne prijateljice in doživljanja tistega časa ...
Dimou, Konstantina Batiridou, Agapi L Tatsis, Fotios Georgakis, Spiros Konstanti, Zoe Papathanakos, Georgios Mantzoukas, Stefanos Dragioti, Elena Gouva, Mary Koulouras, Vasilios
Published in
In the intensive care unit (ICU), patients often experience fragmented memories, primarily comprising dreams and illusions. These experiences can impact psychosocial well-being, correlating with post-traumatic stress symptoms and heightened anxiety. Understanding these phenomena is crucial for holistic care. To systematically explore patients' pers...