Medel Barragán, Daniel
Resumen A partir de una lectura cruzada entre el reciente libro de Berber Bevernage, Historia, memoria y violencia estatal. Tiempo y justicia, y algunas premisas surgidas del reciente “giro temporal” en la reflexión teórica de la historia, se plantean vías o contextos de lectura para contextualizar las premisas sobre las temporalidades espectrales....
Rolland, Jorge
Resumen: La transmisión del pasado reciente de violencia política entraña una de las tareas fundamentales de la educación contemporánea. Sin embargo, a menudo se ve constreñida por los objetivos racionales y cognitivos del deber de memoria. Frente a ello, en este trabajo reivindico una mirada etnográfica, atenta y sensible a las texturas de su dese...
Torrents, Cécile
« ¿Por qué pierdo la memoria cuando más la necesito? », s’écrie Ismael, narrateur autodiégétique du roman Los ejércitos (2006) du Colombien Evelio Rosero. Alors que le personnage cherche désespérément sa femme disparue dans les rues d’un village décimé par différents groupes armés, sa mémoire s’altère et se détériore. Notre analyse partira du cri d...
L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachment
Miceli, Martino
Gli indipendentisti kanak in lotta per la liberazione della Nuova Caledonia dalla Francia occupano il centro minerario di Thio il 18 novembre 1984. Attorno a questo evento centrale per la definizione delle identità locali si sviluppano narrazioni concorrenti, che rispondono ad altrettanti regimi di verità. La battaglia simbolica attorno all’individ...
González Salinas, Omar Fabián
Resumen: Este artículo estudia los inicios de cuando en México se comenzó a moldear una petrocultura entrelazada con idearios de nación e identidad nacional. Se analiza el periodo de 1914-1937 para demostrar que la política petrolera de Venustiano Carranza, el Constituyente de 1917, los debates legislativos para una Ley del petróleo, la fundación d...
Bosa, Bastien Angulo, Diana Carolina
The article presents a reflection from a research project that seeks to reconstruct the history of the Universidad del Rosario in relation to enslavement and other forms of racial oppression. Initially, the project had as an objective to critically examine the history of the racial oppression through the exploration of the available archives in an ...
Rolland, Jorge
The ways in which the recent past of political violence is presented to the students is one of the fundamental tasks of contemporary education. However, it is often constricted by the rational and cognitive objectives of the duty of memory. In response to this, in this paper I propose an ethnographic gaze, attentive and sensitive to the textures of...
Stange Marcus, Hans del Valle Dávila, Ignacio Salinas Muñoz, Claudio
In this paper we have set out to describe how Chilean historical documentaries give a sensitive form to the past, which means crossing the field of communication with that of aesthetics. In documentaries, the literature, as well as our previous research, indicates that representation strategies would appeal to three pacts or contracts of interpreta...
Luengas Bautista, Jeimmy Lorena
The following article will review the Colombian political context regarding peace agreements and recognition of armed conflict in the country under former President Santos’ mandate in 2011. From this part we began by reflecting on memorial spaces in Colombia, focusing on two specific cases in which the author had first hand experience by participat...