Rickhammar, Agnes
My research illustrates new school librarians’ information practices by studying their critical examination of information and information seeking and how their workplace conditions impact their work situation in terms of the prerequisites for information and knowledge sharing. Interviews with ten new school librarians were conducted and recorded. ...
Hedengren, Simon
Den digitala världen utvecklas i rask takt, och elever i dagens skola spenderar mycket tid på mediala plattformar. Trots att styrdokument fastslår att samhällskunskapsundervisningen ska utveckla de kompetenser som elever behöver för att navigera detta har undervisningen inte följt med i utvecklingen. Denna litteraturstudie har som syfte att undersö...
Wickenberg, Maria Persson, Birgit
Förmågan att kunna avgöra om en källa är autentisk och tillförlitlig blir allt viktigare. Möjligheten att använda AI-genererade texter ställer stora krav på kritiskt förhållningssätt och medför ökade risker för spridning av desinformation och misinformation. Falsk information kan skapa osäkerhet hos medborgarna och forskning visar att ju mer männis...
Stigsdotter, Linda
This study focuses on if and how new governmental guidelines about media and information literacy is implemented at school libraries at elementary schools in Sweden as represented in governing documents. Through the lens of Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis eight governing documents from school libraries is closely examined in the quest for ...
Johansson, Emma Sörberg, Emilié
In this study, we have used a survey to investigate students in higher education and their self-efficacy abilities in Media and information literacy (MIL). We have investigated whether the students felt that the MIL-related education, offered by the libraries, helped them develop their abilities when they took part in it. The survey also asked if t...
Larsson, Didrik
The abiblity to find, critically evaluate and use information in a conscious and responsible way is a skill that is increasingly important in tje high paced flow of digital information. This belongs to the school librarian's area of expertise and efforts are being made to involve school librarians to a greater degree when it comes to the teaching o...
Lorentzon, Erla
Corso, Sebastian Ljusberg, Tora
Purpose: Our main task is to find out how the Swedish government deals with media and information literacy (MIL) among the general public, and which key actors it identifies in this process. More specifically we want to know whether public libraries are considered to be such key actors – which is the common view within library and information scien...
Nilsson-Millet, Alice Sarah, Fleury
Studien är en undersökning av elevers upplevelser av bildundervisningens syfte och centrala innehåll i relation till förmågan att tolka, analysera och kommunicera med bilder. Intervjuer har genomförts med fem elever i årskurs nio från två olika skolor i Sverige. Studien intresserar sig främst för elevers upplevelser av bildundervisningen...
Knutsson, Madeleine Virenhag, Frida
The purpose of this bachelor´s thesis is to create an understanding and reflection about how librarians at a small public library work to counter disinformation in their professional practice. Similarly, we students, aim to understand how disinformation impacts library´s democratic mission, and how they promote media- and information literacy. The ...