Bossu, Sébastien Crépey, Stéphane Nguyen, Hoang-Dung
We propose a distributional formulation of the spanning problem of a multi-asset payoff by vanilla basket options. This problem is shown to have a unique solution if and only if the payoff function is even and absolutely homogeneous, and we establish a Fourier-based formula to calculate the solution. Financial payoffs are typically piecewise linear...
Barello, Serena Anderson, Gloria Bosio, Caterina Lane, Deirdre A. Leo, Donato G. Lobban, Trudie C. A. Trevisan, Caterina Graffigna, Guendalina
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Background People with multimorbidity are increasingly engaged, enabled, and empowered to take responsibility for managing their health status. The purpose of the study was to systematically review and appraise the psychometric properties of tools measuring patient engagement in adults with multimorbidity and their applicability for use within enga...
Hou, Di Xu, Mengchao Wang, Menglai Li, Xiaoshuang Li, Shujian Wang, Jiawen Cao, Mengzhen
Published in
Frontiers in Environmental Science
The subsidiary of Yunnan Phosphate Group Co., Ltd., Kunyang Phosphate Mine’s mining area is the subject of study. The mining of open-pit phosphate mines has caused significant damage to the ecological environment. Therefore, carrying out ecological restoration and green reclamation of the ecosystem in the mining area has become the top priority for...
pavlík, jan
Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje problematice zajištěním bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví pracovníků ve stavebnictví. V první části se práce věnuje představení problematiky BOZP, historii, legislativě a povinnostem jednotlivých účastníků výstavby. Ve druhé části se poté zaměřuje na sestavení příručky BOZP pro vedení stavby zahrnující dokumenty BOZP, zaj...
kršek, miroslav
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá finanční analýzou vybraného podniku. Jakožto vybraný podnik poslouží společnost Škoda Auto a.s. a to ve sledovaném období let 2018 až 2022. Cílem práce je na základě finanční analýzy zhodnotit finanční situaci vybraného podniku, predikovat finanční vývoj podniku s ohledem na ekonomickou situaci ČR a doporučit opatřen...
Quartermaine, Jacinta R Rose, Tanya A Auld, Megan L Johnston, Leanne M
Published in
Disability and rehabilitation
Identifies seven participation-focused measures which are available for young people with cerebral palsy, all seven measure Attendance and three measure Involvement.Provides a decision-making tool to assist clinicians and researchers with the selection of participation-focused measures for young people with cerebral palsy.Recommends that more acces...
Kästl, Andrea Firgo, Matthias
Published in
Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft
Maßnahmen gegen Overcrowding wurden hauptsächlich im Kontext urbaner Destinationen entwickelt und erforscht. Für ländliche Räume in der Nähe von Ballungsräumen, die spätestens seit der beiden Covid-Sommer 2020/21 und an vielen Wochenenden stark von Overcrowding durch Tagesgäste betroffen sind, liegen zu diesem Thema bisher kaum Forschungsarbeiten v...
Yang, Qiying Zhong, Weibin Jiao, Yaqian Zhang, Yuan Cheng, Liuling Ruan, Yifan Yang, Shanshan
Published in
Frontiers in Marine Science
Cigarette butts (CBs) pollution is a critical global environmental issue, yet limited research exists on CBs pollution in both coastal and inland Chinese cities with varying development levels. This study investigated CBs occurrence, contamination, Cigarette Butts Pollution Index (CBPI), and heavy metal leakage in four cities. The results of CBs co...
Koolen, Christof; 124399; Wuyts, Kim; 52893; Joosen, Wouter; 15627; Valcke, Peggy; 18835;
status: published
Wang, Xiafei Jiang, Linghua Barry, Lauren Zhang, Xiaoyan Vasilenko, Sara A Heath, Ryan D
Published in
Trauma, violence & abuse
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) studies reveal the profound impacts of experiencing trauma and hardships in childhood. However, the cumulative risk approach of treating ACEs obscures the heterogeneity of ACEs and their consequences, making actionable interventions impossible. latent class analysis (LCA) has increasingly been used to address th...