Ponticiello, Matthew N. Chang, Alexis L. Chang, Rebecca J. Mirza, Salahudeen Martin, Andrés
Published in
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Background Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic and often severe mental illness. Yet despite the well-documented complexities in its diagnosis and treatment, little research has been dedicated to understanding the complex inner landscape experienced by those living with BD. Even as qualitative research has explored the lived experience of BD across a...
Seow, Pei Shing Byrne, Gerard J Arnold, Elizabeth Pachana, Nancy A
Published in
Clinical gerontologist
This study aimed to explore the relationships between aging attitudes and the outcomes of successful aging, including whether aging attitudinal types moderate psychological adjustment in the context of medical and mental health diagnoses. In total, 409 community-dwelling women aged 40-79 years in Australia completed the Reactions to Aging Questionn...
Alatalo, Tarja Magnusson, Maria Norling, Martina
This research aims to increase knowledge about how preschool teachers in three Nordic countries view their preschool’s physical and psychological literacy environment regarding read-alouds. A total of 222 Nordic preschool teachers (52 Finnish, 91 Norwegian, and 79 Swedish) responded to a survey about early literacy practices. Likert-scale questions...
Reed, David E 2nd Day, Melissa A Ferreira-Valente, Alexandra Jensen, Mark P
Published in
Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.)
Chronic pain is a global health concern and often interferes with multiple aspects of individuals' lives (eg, physical activities), diminishing a person's ability to engage in activities that promote meaning in life. However, it is not well understood how believing that one can live a meaningful life despite pain could contribute to improved functi...
Yang, Peter Chen, Charles P.
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Lieberwerth, Marishelle Niemeijer, Alistair
Published in
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being
Long Covid (LC) has been called the greatest mass-disabling event in human history. For patients, LC not only has implications for quality of life but also for meaning in life: how one's life and the world are understood and what is seen as valuable in one's life. This qualitative empirical study used a Constructivist Grounded Theory approach to in...
Hunt, Catharine Josselin, Daphne
Published in
This article explores the ways in which bereaved mothers framed experiences of continuing bonds with their stillborn child and aims to enrich an understanding of maternal sense-making. Four interviews were carried out with bereaved mothers and approached using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, so as to offer deeper insight into their indivi...
Xiao, Astrid Y.
Constructing multilayered worlds is a prevalent strategy employed in fiction, especially within the genres of fantasy and fairy tales. Various techniques establish different imaginary worlds, which are either sharply demarcated or subtly intertwined. The tradition of weaving multilayered worlds into stories, along with depicting the journey of youn...
Magnani, Lorenzo Biglari, Amir
Published in
Cognitive Semiotics
This article seeks to outline the effective integration of semiotic methods, particularly the Peircean approach, with research on human creative cognition. The aim is to elucidate the involvement of the mind and neurological mechanisms in the process of semiosis. By examining how the mind externalizes thoughts and ideas, the article offers a fresh ...
Chen, Ningyang Zhou, Chunxia
Published in
Language and Semiotic Studies
The concept of authenticity has received much discussion in applied linguistics and educational studies. Valuable insights have been gained into how authenticity is problematised in language teaching and how to improve the situation by engaging learners with better-designed materials and activities. These achievements notwithstanding, empirical evi...