tian, leng chai, xiaolong zhang, lei zhang, wenbo zhu, yuan wang, jiaxin wang, jianguo
Increasing oil production is crucial for multilayer co-production. When there are significant differences in the permeability of each layer, an interlayer contradiction arises that can impact the recovery efficiency. After a number of tests and the establishment of a mathematical model, the effects of permeability contrast on oil production for wat...
Zhao, Qilin Hu, Xianlei Liu, Xianghua
Published in
Materials (Basel, Switzerland)
In normal cold rolling, the elastic deformation of the strip is typically ignored because of the dominant plastic deformation. However, this neglect may introduce additional errors when the strip is very thin. The aim of this study is to investigate the characteristics of the deformation region and thickness reduction in the asymmetrical rolling of...
vestenický, peter hruboš, marián kolla, eduard
This paper analyses the possibility of damaging and destroying an identification chip of the Mifare type in a frequently used contactless identification card of size ID-1, following the standard ISO/IEC 7810 (i.e., with dimensions 85.60 × 53.98 × 0.76 mm), using the magnetic field of an adjacent conductor in which a current pulse of a defined shape...
Telyma, Sergiy Voloshkina, Olena Kovalоva, Anastasiia Bereznytska, Yuliia
Published in
Construction of Optimized Energy Potential Budownictwo o Zoptymalizowanym Potencjale Energetycznym
The article discusses the problems of optimizing and exploiting ground water intakes during times of natural water resource deficits, which are critical sources for the operational resources needed. A deposit of underground water in Rudno in the Lviv region of Ukraine is used for the investigation. To optimize the withdrawal of water for the popula...
zhao, qilin xianlei, hu liu, xianghua
Mechanical parameters, time consumption and energy consumption are important considerations in the application of a certain rolling process. This study aims to investigate characteristics of the roll force, roll torque, roll power, rolling time and total work in multi-pass asymmetrical rolling of strip. Mathematic models were built using the slab m...
Yari, Parsa Chugh, Vinit Kumar Saha, Renata Tonini, Denis Rezaei, Bahareh Mostufa, Shahriar Xu, Kanglin Wang, Jian-Ping Wu, Kai
Published in
Physica Scripta
Nowadays, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have been extensively used in biomedical fields such as labels for magnetic biosensors, contrast agents in magnetic imaging, carriers for drug/gene delivery, and heating sources for hyperthermia, among others. They are also utilized in various industries, including data and energy storage and heterogeneous ca...
Sigle, Manuel Berliner, Leon Richter, Erich van Iersel, Mart Gorgati, Eleonora Hubloue, Ives Bamberg, Maximilian Grasshoff, Christian Rosenberger, Peter Wunderlich, Robert
Published in
Journal of medical Internet research
In cases of terrorism, disasters, or mass casualty incidents, far-reaching life-and-death decisions about prioritizing patients are currently made using triage algorithms that focus solely on the patient's current health status rather than their prognosis, thus leaving a fatal gap of patients who are under- or overtriaged. The aim of this proof-of-...
Belman, Sophie
Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) is a human-obligate, opportunistic bacteria. It resides asymptomatically in the nasopharynx of both children and adults. It occasionally goes on to cause local disease such as otitis media, or severe invasive disease as with pneumonia and meningitis. It is prevalent globally and rates of carriage have an ...
oršuliak, jaroslav
Předmětem této práce je posouzení stávající distribuční sítě zásobování pitnou vodou obce Perštejn a vytvoření matematického modelu v programu EPANET 2.2. Diplomová práce se dělí na část teoretickou a praktickou. V teoretické části jsou popsány systémy zásobování pitnou a jejich jednotlivé prvky. Dále obsahuje obecný postup vytvoření matematického ...
Yin, Zhiying Zheng, Canjie Fang, Quanjun Wen, Tingcui Wang, Shuangqing Li, Junji Gong, Xiaoying Xiang, Ziling
Published in
Frontiers in Immunology
Despite the high coverage of pertussis vaccines in high-income countries, pertussis resurgence has been reported in recent years, and has stimulated interest in the effects of vaccines and vaccination strategies. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies against pertussis toxoid (PT), filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA), and pertactin (PRN) after immunization ...