Buzzi, Jérôme Chandgotia, Nishant Foreman, Matthew Gao, Su García-Ramos, Felipe Gorodetski, Anton Maitre, François Le Rodríguez-Hertz, Federico Sabok, Marcin
This file is composed of questions that emerged or were of interest during the workshop "Interactions between Descriptive Set Theory and Smooth Dynamics" that took place in Banff, Canada on 2022.
Paulson, LC
A paper on ordinal partitions by Erdős and Milner (1972) has been formalised using the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL, augmented with a library for Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. The work is part of a project on formalising the partition calculus. The chosen material is particularly appropriate in view of the substantial corrections later published by ...
Foreman, Matthew Gorodetski, Anton
The paper considers the equivalence relation of conjugacy-by-homeomorphism on diffeomorphisms of smooth manifolds. In dimension 2 and above it is shown that there is no Borel method of attaching complete numerical invariants. In dimension 5 and above it is shown that the equivalence relation is not Borel, and in fact is complete analytic.
Chernikov, Artem Hempel, Nadja
Abstract: We continue the study ofn-dependent groups, fields and related structures, largely motivated by the conjecture that everyn-dependent field is dependent. We provide evidence toward this conjecture by showing that every infiniten-dependent valued field of positive characteristic is henselian, obtaining a variant of Shelah’s Henselianity Con...
Chernikov, Artem Towsner, Henry
We generalize the fact that graphs with small VC-dimension can be approximated by rectangles, showing that hypergraphs with small VC_k-dimension (equivalently, omitting a fixed finite (k+1)-partite (k+1)-uniform hypergraph) can be approximated by k-ary cylinder sets. In the language of hypergraph regularity, this shows that when H is a k'-uniform h...
Chernikov, Artem Galvin, David Starchenko, Sergei
We establish a cutting lemma for definable families of sets in distal structures, as well as the optimality of the distal cell decomposition for definable families of sets on the plane in $o$-minimal expansions of fields. Using it, we generalize the results in [J. Fox, J. Pach, A. Sheffer, A. Suk, and J. Zahl. "A semi-algebraic version of Zarankiew...
Kovacsics, Pablo Cubides Point, Françoise
We study a class of tame theories $T$ of topological fields and their extension $T_{\delta}^*$ by a generic derivation. The topological fields under consideration include henselian valued fields of characteristic 0 and real closed fields. For most examples, we show that the associated expansion by a generic derivation has the open core property (i....
Martin-Pizarro, Amador Palacin, Daniel Wolf, Julia
A non-quantitative version of the Freiman-Ruzsa theorem is obtained for finite stable sets with small tripling in arbitrary groups, as well as for (finite) weakly normal subsets in abelian groups. / non-UK source of funding for co-authors
AbstractWe prove that every ultraproduct of p-adics is inp-minimal (i.e., of burden 1). More generally, we prove an Ax-Kochen type result on preservation of inp-minimality for Henselian valued fields of equicharacteristic 0 in the RV language.
Schmidhuber, Christof
We consider the statistical mechanical ensemble of bit string histories that are computed by a universal Turing machine. The role of the energy is played by the program size. We show that this ensemble has a first-order phase transition at a critical temperature, at which the partition function equals Chaitin's halting probability $\Omega$. This ph...