Montgomery, Richard
The Jacobi-Maupertuis metric provides a reformulation of the classical N-body problem as a geodesic flow on an energy-dependent metric space denoted $M_E$ where $E$ is the energy of the problem. We show that $M_E$ has finite diameter for $E
Bazzani, Armando Capoani, Federico Giovannozzi, Massimo
In this paper we analyze the adiabatic crossing of a resonance for Hamiltonian systems when a double-resonance condition is satisfied by the linear frequency at an elliptic fixed point. We discuss in detail the phase-space structure on a class of Hamiltonians and area-preserving maps with an elliptic fixed point in the presence of a time-dependent ...
Montgomery, Richard
The Kepler problem is the special case $\alpha = 1$ of the power law problem: to solve Newton's equations for a central force whose potential is of the form $-\mu/r^{\alpha}$ where $\mu$ is a coupling constant. Associated to such a problem is a two-dimensional cone with cone angle $2 \pi c$ with $c = 1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}$. We construct a transforma...
Knauf, Andreas Montgomery, Richard
For n bodies moving in Euclidean d-space under the influence of a homogeneous pair interaction we compactify every center-of-mass energy surface, obtaining a 2d(n -1)-1 - dimensional manifold with corners in the sense of Melrose. After a time change, the flow on this manifold is globally defined and non-trivial on the boundary.
Buzzi, Jérôme Chandgotia, Nishant Foreman, Matthew Gao, Su García-Ramos, Felipe Gorodetski, Anton Maitre, François Le Rodríguez-Hertz, Federico Sabok, Marcin
This file is composed of questions that emerged or were of interest during the workshop "Interactions between Descriptive Set Theory and Smooth Dynamics" that took place in Banff, Canada on 2022.
Bazzani, A. Giovannozzi, M. Montanari, C. E. Turchetti, G.
The efficient detection of chaotic behavior in orbits of a complex dynamical system is an active domain of research. Several indicators have been proposed in the past, and new ones have recently been developed in view of improving the performance of chaos detection by means of numerical simulations. The challenge is to predict chaotic behavior base...
Moeckel, Richard Montgomery, Richard
The infinite spin problem concerns the rotational behavior of total collision orbits in the $n$-body problem. It has long been known that when a solution tends to total collision then its normalized configuration curve must converge to the set of normalized central configurations. In the planar n-body problem every normalized configuration determin...
Berger, P Turaev, D
We prove that analytic Hamiltonian dynamics on tori, annuli, or Euclidean space can be approximated by a composition of nonlinear shear maps where each of the shears depends only on the position or only on the momentum.
Rom-Kedar, V Turaev, D
The motion of N particles interacting by a smooth repelling potential and confined to a compact d-dimensional region is proved to be, under mild conditions, non-ergodic for all sufficiently large energies. Specifically, choreographic solutions, for which all particles follow approximately the same path close to an elliptic periodic orbit of the sin...
Bazzani, A. Capoani, F. Giovannozzi, M.
In this paper, new results concerning the phenomenon of adiabatic trapping into resonance for a class of quasi-integrable maps with a time-dependent exciter are presented and discussed in detail. The applicability of the results about trapping efficiency for Hamiltonian systems to the maps considered is proven by using perturbation theory. This all...