Montgomery, Richard
Attached to a singular analytic curve germ in $d$-space is a numerical semigroup: a subset $S$ of the non-negative integers which is closed under addition and whose complement isfinite. Conversely, associated to any numerical semigroup $S$ is a canonical mononial curve in $e$-space where $e$ is the number of minimal generators of the semigroup. It ...
Los, D Sauerwald, T Sylvester, J
We introduce a new class of balanced allocation processes which are primarily characterized by "filling" underloaded bins. A prototypical example is the Packing process: At each round we only take one bin sample, if the load is below the average load, then we place as many balls until the average load is reached; otherwise, we place only one ball. ...
Edmonds, Chelsea Paulson, Lawrence C
The formalisation of mathematics is continuing rapidly, however combinatorics continues to present challenges to formalisation efforts, such as its reliance on techniques from a wide range of other fields in mathematics. This paper presents formal linear algebraic techniques for proofs on incidence structures in Isabelle/HOL, and their application ...
Arbesfeld, N
We study the holomorphic Euler characteristics of tautological sheaves on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces. In particular, we establish the rationality of K-theoretic descendent series. Our approach is to control equivariant holomorphic Euler characteristics over the Hilbert scheme of points on the affine plane. To do so, we slightly modify a ...
Bhangale, Amey Harsha, Prahladh Roy, Sourya
In this note, we show the mixing of three-term progressions $(x, xg, xg^2)$ in every finite quasirandom groups, fully answering a question of Gowers. More precisely, we show that for any $D$-quasirandom group $G$ and any three sets $A_1, A_2, A_3 \subset G$, we have \[ \left|\Pr_{x,y\sim G}\left[ x \in A_1, xy \in A_2, xy^2 \in A_3\right] - \prod_{...
Bauerschmidt, Roland Crawford, Nicholas Helmuth, Tyler
Acknowledgements: We thank David Brydges and Gordon Slade. This article would not have been possible in this form without their previous contributions to the renormalisation group method. We also thank them for their permission to include Fig. 1 from [18]. We thank the referees for their helpful comments. R.B. was supported by the European Research...
Bauerschmidt, Roland Crawford, Nicholas Helmuth, Tyler
The arboreal gas is the probability measure on (unrooted spanning) forests of a graph in which each forest is weighted by a factor $\beta>0$ per edge. It arises as the $q\to 0$ limit of the $q$-state random cluster model with $p=\beta q$. We prove that in dimensions $d\geq 3$ the arboreal gas undergoes a percolation phase transition. This contrasts...
Cloninger, Alexander Li, Haotian Saito, Naoki
We introduce a set of novel multiscale basis transforms for signals on graphs that utilize their “dual” domains by incorporating the “natural” distances between graph Laplacian eigenvectors, rather than simply using the eigenvalue ordering. These basis dictionaries can be seen as generalizations of the classical Shannon wavelet packet dictionary to...
Ivan, Maria-Romina Leader, Imre Zamboni, Luca Q
A factorisation $x = u_1 u_2 \cdots$ of an infinite word $x$ on alphabet $X$ is called `monochromatic', for a given colouring of the finite words $X^*$ on alphabet $X$, if each $u_i$ is the same colour. Wojcik and Zamboni proved that the word $x$ is periodic if and only if for every finite colouring of $X^*$ there is a monochromatic factorisation o...
Giannelli, Eugenio Law, Stacey Long, Jason Vallejo, Carolina
Funder: Emmanuel College, Cambridge / We prove that a finite group $G$ has a normal Sylow $p$-subgroup $P$ if, and only if, every irreducible character of $G$ appearing in the permutation character $({\bf 1}_P)^G$ with multiplicity coprime to $p$ has degree coprime to $p$. This confirms a prediction by Malle and Navarro from 2012. Our proof of the ...