The sports and fitness industry has seen accelerated growth with increasing public awareness about the relevance of health and well-being. Nowadays, facilities such as gyms, stadiums, swimming pools and fitness centers have become essential elements of lifestyle in society. Marketing strategies are important to attract and retain customers. The pro...
The process of advertising is a technique used to draw attention to a product or a service. It is an indispensable method of the marketing strategy. To ensure that clients are thus interested in the product, the advertisement must be original, attractive and creative through the use of stylistic instruments, such as linguistic games or idiomatic ex...
This study examines the impact of COVID-19 on customer satisfaction and the value relevance of customer satisfaction. COVID-19 is an unprecedented pandemic that has changed all areas of business. Customer relations are one of the biggest paradigm shifts of this period. Companies have placed more attention on customer relations than on any other are...
r., uy john robins. ong, ardvin kesterb. de guzman, danica marizdela cruz, irish triciadela cruz, juliana c.
Despite the steady rise of electric vehicles (EVs) in other countries, the Philippines has yet to capitalize on its proliferation due to several mixed concerns. Status, socio-demographic characteristics, and availability have been the main concerns with purchasing EVs in the country. Consumer segmentation and analysis for EV acceptance and utility ...
Cílem této bakalářské práce je analýza stavu marketingu ve vybraném podniku SMIP s.r.o. a návrh nových aktivit pro zlepšení situace. Analýza bude sledovat stav marketingu podniku a okolní vlivy. Výsledkem práce bude návrh nových marketingových nástrojů v oblasti digitálního marketingu, který se v 21. století stal klíčovým pro tvorbu marketingu podn...
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá integrací umělé inteligence (AI) do marketingových strategií společnosti Golf Europe. Práce zkoumá, jak AI může zlepšit personalizaci, automatizaci a celkovou efektivitu marketingových aktivit. V teoretické části jsou představeny základní principy a aplikace AI v marketingu, včetně chatbotů, optimalizace obsahu a aut...