massaccesi, luisa albini, elisa massacci, francesca romana giusepponi, danilo paoletti, fabiola sdogati, stefano morena, francesco agnelli, alberto leccese, angelo magistrali, chiara francesca
The impact of soil fertilization with animal manure on the spread and persistence of antibiotic resistance in the environment is far from being fully understood. To add knowledge about persistence and correlations between antibiotic residues and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in fertilized soil, a longitudinal soil mesocosm study was conducted....
zhang, yijia qinqing, bo xintian, ma yating, du xinyi, du liyang, xu yang, yadong
Recently, there has been a significant focus on the issue of pollution caused by livestock and poultry rearing, which is recognized as a prominent contributor to nonpoint source pollution in the agricultural sector. This study employed the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to evaluate the environmental impact of several pig manure processing ...
kim, seungsoo shim, soomin won, seunggun changsix, ra
Recently, circulating biologically treated manure in slurry pits has been used as an odor reduction technology, but few successful results have been reported, due to the lack of proper control strategies for bioreactors. This study was conducted to investigate the performance of the developed real-time controlled bio-liquor circulation system (BCS)...
christophe, soteris pentieva, kristina botsaris, george
Manure from bovine farms is commonly used as an organic fertiliser. However, if not properly managed, it can spread significant biological and chemical hazards, threatening both human and animal health. The effectiveness of risk control hugely relies on farmers’ knowledge regarding safe manure management and on the application of suitable managemen...
Denis, Martine Ziebal, Christine Boscher, Evelyne Picard, Sylvie Perrot, Morgane Nova, Meryl Vila Roussel, Sophie Diara, Arnaud Pourcher, Anne-Marie
Published in
Microbes and Environments
The presence of Listeria monocytogenes in piggery effluents intended for irrigation crops may be a source of bacterial dissemination in agriculture. The occurrence and diversity of L. monocytogenes in the farm environment were examined in two pig manure treatment systems (S1 and S2). Samples collected over the course of one year consisted of manure...
Ehlert, Phillip
The aim of the project Biobased Fertilisers Achterhoek (‘Kunstmestvrije Achterhoek’ in Dutch) is to make fertilisation practices more sustainable through use of locally available nutrients from renewable sources. The project is part of the Sixth Action Programme of the Netherlands, which serves the Nitrates Directive. One of the objectives is to de...
Gollenbeek, Luuk van Gastel, Jos Casu, Flavia Huisman, Iris Verdoes, Nico
In het kader van het project NL Next Level mestverwaarden is onderzoek uitgevoerd naar emissies, massabalansen en kosten voor verschillende mestbewerkingsopties op rundveebedrijven. Hiervoor zijn een emissiemodel en een massabalans en kostenraming voor mestverwerking opgesteld. Er zijn scenario’s doorgerekend, waarbij vooral gekeken is naar verschi...
Dollmann, Sophia Vermeulen, Lucie de Roda Husman, Ana Maria
Published in
International journal of environmental research and public health
The Netherlands is one of the most densely populated countries in terms of people and livestock and is the second largest exporter of agricultural products worldwide. As a result, the Netherlands has a manure surplus. Excess application of manure can lead to environmental problems; therefore, manure needs to be treated and discharged. Manure can co...
Ehlert, Phillip de Boer, Herman van de Lippe, John
De doelstelling van het project Kunstmestvrije Achterhoek (KVA) is het verduurzamen van de bemestingspraktijk door de bemesting van grasland en bouwland zo veel mogelijk in te vullen met regionaal beschikbare nutriënten. Het project is onderdeel, als gebiedsgerichte pilot, van het zesde Nederlandse actieprogramma1 in het kader van de Nitraatrichtl...
Derikx, P.J.L. van de Kooi, B.
Sinds januari 2019 zijn de forfaitaire fosfaatgehaltes voor varkensgier en filtraat na mestscheiding, respectievelijk mestcode 42 en 41 mestcode aangepast. Recent is de Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA) geattendeerd dat er een mogelijke verwisseling van forfaitaire waarden van varkensgier mestcode 42 en filtraat, mestcode 41, heeft pla...