Geelhoed, S.C.V. Leopold, M.F.
Het Friese Front en de Bruine Bank zijn twee nieuwe Vogelrichtlijngebieden in de Noordzee. Het Friese Front is aangewezen voor de Zeekoet. De Bruine Bank wordt waarschijnlijk aangewezen voor Zeekoet en Alk. Om te bepalen of de instandhoudingsdoelstellingen voor deze soorten worden gehaald, moeten de aantallen van deze soorten gemonitord worden. Mon...
Geelhoed, S.C.V. Friedrich, E. Joost, M. Juhre, H. Kirkwood, R.J. van Leeuwen, P.W. Machiels, M.A.M. Stoeber, N. Verdaat, J.P.
In accordance with the monitoring and evaluation plan (MEP) for the ‘Gemini Offshore Wind Farm’ the ecological monitoring of harbour porpoises was carried out by IMARES and IBL Umweltplanung, concerning the distribution and numbers of harbour porpoises in and around the wind farm prior to construction (T-0). For this purpose aerial surveys as well ...
Geelhoed, S.C.V. van Bemmelen, R.S.A. Verdaat, J.P.
In summer 2013 aerial surveys using distance sampling methods where conducted in UK, Dutch, German and Danish waters to investigate the occurrence of marine mammals in the Dogger Bank area. The Dogger Bank is a candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC) under the EC Habitats Directive (Natura 2000) and part of the OSPAR network of Marine Protect...
Geelhoed, S.C.V. Scheidat, M. van Bemmelen, R.S.A.
In March/April 2013 aerial surveys to estimate the abundance of Harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena on the Dutch Continental Shelf were conducted. These surveys were conducted along predetermined track lines using distance sampling methods in four areas: A “Dogger Bank”, B “Offshore”, C “Frisian Front” & D “Delta”. Between 18 March and 22 April the...
Geelhoed, S.C.V. Janinhoff, N. Verdaat, J.P. van Bemmelen, R.S.A. Scheidat, M.
In November 2013 aerial surveys were conducted for the first time in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire to evaluate aerial surveys as a tool for marine mammal surveys in these waters, and to assess the distribution and abundance of marine mammals. A secondary aim of these surveys was to collect data on the occurrence of other...
Geelhoed, S.C.V. Lagerveld, S. Verdaat, J.P. Scheidat, M.
In July 2014 aerial surveys to estimate the abundance of Harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena on the Dutch Continental Shelf were conducted. In total, 229 sightings of 273 individual Harbour Porpoises were collected. Porpoise densities varied between 0.37-3.08 animals/km² in the (four) different areas. The overall density on the entire Dutch Contine...
Smit, C.J. de Jong, M.L.
Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van de vliegtuigtellingen van november en december 2010 en februari 2011, die zijn uitgevoerd om de aantallen en verspreiding vast te stellen van overwinterende Eiders Somateria mollissima, Zwarte Zee-eenden Melanitta nigra, Grote Zee-eenden Melanitta fusca en Toppers Aythya marila in de Waddenzee en de aangrenz...
Fey-Hofstede, F.E. Cremer, J.S.M. Dijkman, E.M. Jansen, J.M. Roupioz, L.F.S. Schmidt, A.M.
This project aimed at improving the analysis techniques of aerial photography for mussel bed recognition and mapping. In this project two techniques were tested; recognition and mapping by human eye and recognition and mapping by automatic detection software. The detection with the human eye was tested in two ways. The first test considered recogni...
van Lammeren, R.J.A. Hilferink, M. Bergsma, A.R. Beek, M.
GESO is a tool to prepare a Google Earth visualisation of the Dutch land use scenarios as created by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. This Google Earth for the Sustainable Outlook application, named GESO, forms an update of the previous VisualScan attempt. The GESO application aims to be an effective, easy and low cost way to study ...
Dankers, N.M.J.A. Cremer, J.S.M. Dijkman, E.M. Brasseur, S.M.J.M. Dijkema, K.S. Fey-Hofstede, F.E. de Jong, M.L. Smit, C.J.
Deze atlas is samengesteld met informatie uit verschillende bronnen, en bestaat uit gecombineerde kaarten van luchtfoto’s en geomorfologische informatie. Voor het beleid is het belangrijk dat uit de kaarten op te maken is waar kenmerkende landschapstypen liggen, en dan vooral die typen die in nationale of internationale regelgeving een bepaalde sta...