cozac, fádua amorim, thiago silva yahyaoui, imene mendo, david benitez encarnação, lucas frizera
This paper presents the control and hardware design for a Hybrid Solid-State Transformer (HSST) applied to modern distribution systems. The HSST combines the advantages of conventional transformers, such as high efficiency and low cost, with those of Solid-State Transformers (SST), such as multifunctionality and fast dynamic response. Real-time sim...
Karabulut, Yiğit Meşe, Erkan Ayaz, Murat Aktaş, Serkan
Published in
Materials Research Express
This study aims to compare the soft magnetic composite (SMC) and grain-oriented (GO) steel stator axial flux permanent-magnet synchronous machine (AFPMSM) in terms of performance and iron losses. Stator cores are manufactured using both materials to perform experimental performance tests. The produced machines are designed for pump propulsion syste...
Vezonik, Nastja
Namen te naloge je bil preučiti, kakšne izgube telet lisaste pasme do enega leta starosti se pojavljajo pri slovenskih rejcih govedi ter identificirati ključne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na povečanje izgube telet. Analizirali smo podatke o 1.256.937 teletih, rojenih med 1. januarjem 2005 in 31. decembrom 2020. Te podatke smo pridobili iz Centralnega re...
constien, lorenz weber, martin pellkofer, josef stahl, karsten
The efficiency of bevel and hypoid gears is, alongside load capacity, one of their most important design criteria. To consider the efficiency of bevel and hypoid gears during the development and design process, validated calculation methods based on experimental investigations are necessary. However, the isolated experimental investigation of the l...
Pori, Anže
Diplomska naloga obravnava temperaturno analizo in stabilizacijo za hranilnik električne energije, ki je sestavljen iz Li-ionskih celic. Zaradi občutljivosti Li-ionskih celic na temperaturo je le-ta pomembna pri delovanju. S pomočjo termo kamere smo izmerili temperaturo celic med delovanjem, nato naredili analizo ter s pomočjo programa Excel dodali...
Oussaid, Walid Mohand Tounzi, Abdelmounaim Romary, Raphael Benabou, Abdelkader Boughanmi, Walid Laloy, Daniel
Calculating additional losses in electrical machines has always been a challenging task. This paper investigates losses in the plates and clamping fingers of high-power electrical machines. The study examines the impact of both axial and radial components of end-region leakage flux on losses. This is conducted using a finite element numerical model...
adamou, adamou amadou alaoui, chakib
The uninterrupted operation of induction motors is crucial for industries, ensuring reliability and continuous functionality. To achieve this, we propose an innovative approach that utilizes an efficiency model-based digital shadow system for in situ failure detection and diagnosis (FDD) in induction motors (IMs). The shadow model accurately estima...
da silva, diego jose belati, edmarcio antonio lópez-lezama, jesús m.
The optimal sitting and operation of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) plays a key role in energy transition and sustainability. This paper presents an optimization framework based on a Multi-period Optimal Power Flow (MOPF) for the optimal sitting and operation of BESS alongside PV in active distribution grids. The model was implemented in AMP...
Desrial, Fauzan, I D Wiyono, S
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Traditional rice harvesting in Indonesia involves manual techniques with significant grain loss. This study assesses the performance and economic viability of a rice harvester, comparing it to manual methods in Subang Innovation Village. The research examines various parameters, including performance indicators (effective field capacity, theoretica...
seddik, mohamed s. shazly, jehan eteiba, magdy b.
An accurate simulation and computational analysis of temperature distribution in large power transformers used in power plants is crucial during both the design and operational phases. This study introduces a thermal modeling analysis encompassing two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) approaches for power transformers. The mathematical model for h...