Dua, Jatin
The ocean has a key, though often unremarked, role in shaping everyday life, from impacting weather patterns and food supplies to facilitating, and contesting, systems of capitalism, including contemporary logistics, empires, mobility, and migration. Beginning with early debates on maritime anthropology, this review traces the shift from maritime a...
Paché, Gilles
This research note explores how logistics, though often overlooked, is a central element in space fantasy science fiction narratives. In Frank Herbert's Dune, the spiceessential for interstellar travel-demonstrates how logistics influences space geopolitics. Star Wars highlights the logistical challenges involved in managing an intergalactic empire...
Gamarra, Caio Jorge Sampaio, Mauro Lima, Fábio
Published in
Engineering Management in Production and Services
This study examines the pivotal role of the logistics sector in corporations, particularly those with diverse product portfolios. It focuses on the time-intensive “picking” process, driven by various products and material handling requirements for order fulfilment. The research presents a methodology that combines distribution centre modelling for ...
Drejeris, Rolandas Katinienė, Aušra Vaičiūtė, Kristina Čiutienė, Rūta
Published in
Engineering Management in Production and Services
In today’s dynamic, technology-driven, and diverse world of knowledge society, transport organisations should purposefully analyse and assess their operations since they often have to face problems emerging from the lack of knowledge and competencies of logistics specialists. The engineering competencies of logistics specialists are highly apprecia...
pinc, petr
Předmětem bakalářské práce „Optimalizace ložných prací v logistice“ je prozkoumat logistiku s jejími komponenty, vyjádřit se k existenci exaktních metod a heuristických a metod pro 2D Bin-Packing-Problem. Cílem práce je vytvořit, testovat a porovnat vybrané algoritmy na příkladech naložení standartních nákladních vozů. / The subject of the bachelor...
Vereš, David
Programi, kot je Tecnomatix Plant simulation, so orodja, ki nam pomagajo v virtualnem okolju ustvariti ali poustvariti proizvodni oddelek. V okviru diplomske naloge smo se osredotočili na uporabo programa za modeliranje proizvodnih procesov s poudarkom na ustvarjanju ter zagotavljanju logistike transporta v povezavi s skladiščem. Po izdelavi modela...
Gonçalves, Amélie Raton, Gwenaëlle Raimbert, Céline Wallet, Frederic
Local food policies have proliferated in France in recent years, driven by the national policy in favour of Local food plans (Projets alimentaires de territoire - PAT), initiated in 2014 (Maréchal et al., 2019). These policies aim to reterritorialise food and even to structure territorial food systems (PNA, 2022), which are most often understood as...
Dujc, Rudi
Z razvojem družbe se je prav tako razvijala industrija, nove storitve in procesi, ki bi človeku lajšali in pomagali pri delu. Tako so se večala tudi podjetja in potrebe po izdelkih. Procese, ki so bili nekoč izvedeni s strani človeka, so pričeli nadomeščati krmiljeno vodeni roboti in enote. Zaradi tega so podjetja pričela posegati po avtomatizirani...
weisheitel, zdeněk
Diplomová práce se zabývá počítačovou simulací výrobních a logistických systémů. První polovina práce obsahuje teoretické informace o výrobním managementu, logistice, ale převážně o samotné simulaci. Druhá polovina popisuje praktickou aplikaci simulace ve společnosti zaměřené na výrobu stavebních a zemědělských strojů. Cílem aplikace bylo stanovení...
Khistyeva, Daryna Pócsová, Jana
Published in
Frontiers in Education
This article discusses the landscape of education. The challenge lies in harmoniously blending the directive PUSH strategies, which focus on structured guidance, with the exploratory PULL methods, centered around the learner's initiative. To illustrate this, the realms of science and art as examples are used, showcasing how these strategies can be ...