Liu, Xiaoxiao Guo, Huijing Wang, Le Hu, Mingye Wei, Yichan Liu, Fei Wang, Xifu
Published in
Journal of medical Internet research
Patients using web-based health care communities for e-consultation services have the option to choose their service providers from an extensive digital market. To stand out in this crowded field, doctors in web-based health care communities often engage in prosocial behaviors, such as proactive and reactive actions, to attract more users. However,...
Chang, Yu-Hsin Silalahi, Andri Dayarana K. Eunike, Ixora Javanisa Riantama, Dalianus
Published in
Frontiers in Communication
Live streaming has gained substantial significance in the e-commerce realm, attracting the attention of scholars due to its profound impact on the consumer decision-making journey. However, previous studies have not sufficiently investigated into the complex of marketing strategies through trust transfer mechanisms and socio-technical aspects, cons...
Mareen, Hannes Haems, Casper Wauters, Tim De Turck, Filip Lambert, Peter Van Wallendael, Glenn
Video streaming systems aim to provide high-quality video adapted to clients' device and network conditions. For this purpose, adaptive streaming architectures encode video content at a variety of quality levels, organized in a bitrate ladder. However, compressing a video into multiple streams is resource-intensive, which may become especially prob...
Church, Nancy J.
A revolution is occurring in marketing today due to the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to various marketing tasks and functions. In addition, marketing innovations are taking place on Web 3.0, in the Metaverse, in virtual and augmented reality, in omnichannel marketing, in social media, in video marketing, in live streaming, in connect...
Brown, Venetia Collins, Trevor Braithwaite, Nicholas St. John
Published in
Frontiers in Education
Despite the widespread use of synchronous technologies in online and distance learning environments, it is still challenging for distance educators to use effective pedagogical strategies and ensure the best possible interaction for undergraduate students. Within science disciplines, teaching and learning are particularly challenging due to not bei...
Zeng, Kevin J. Wang, Cheng-Lu Yang, Morgan X. Li, Gang
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Li, Yijin
Published in
Online Media and Global Communication
Purpose Live streaming has become an increasingly popular media, which allows individuals to record and broadcast simultaneously on the internet. Streamers, individuals who conduct live streaming videos, create diverse media content on live streaming video platforms. Most streamers show up with their real-person appearances via live streaming. Howe...
Carlino, Vincent
La communication analyse les réactions de streameur·euse·s aux annonces des choix des associations bénéficiaires de l’édition 2022 du Z Event. Elle se focalise sur les moments de pré-live investis comme espaces de discussion libre et directe avec les spectateur·ice·s où les streameur·euse·s livrent leur vision de la polémique suite au retrait de l’...
Ma, Zhejiayu Giroire, Frédéric Urvoy-Keller, Guillaume Roubia, Soufiane
HTTP-based streaming has become the dominant technology for streaming due to the widespread adoption of the HTTP protocol. Many streaming providers use a combination of Content Delivery Network (CDN) and Viewer-to-Viewer (V2V) technology, known as Hybrid CDN/V2V live streaming, for both efficiency and cost-effectiveness. V2V technology allows for o...
Wisotzky, Eric L Rosenthal, Jean-Claude Meij, Senna van den Dobblesteen, John Arens, Philipp Hilsmann, Anna Eisert, Peter Uecker, Florian Cornelius Schneider, Armin
Published in
Journal of telemedicine and telecare
Existing challenges in surgical education (See one, do one, teach one) as well as the COVID-19 pandemic make it necessary to develop new ways for surgical training. Therefore, this work describes the implementation of a scalable remote solution called "TeleSTAR" using immersive, interactive and augmented reality elements which enhances surgical tra...