Morales Sierra, Alejandro
In their natural environment, leaves are exposed to rapid fluctuations of irradiance. Research on CO2 assimilation under fluctuating irradiance often relies on measurements of gas exchange during transients where irradiance is rapidly increased or decreased, after the leaf has adapted to a particular set of environmental conditions. In the field, s...
Bongers, Franca J.
Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a genotype to express multiple phenotypes in accordance with different environments. Although variation in plasticity has been observed, there is limited knowledge on how this variation results from natural selection. This thesis analyses how variation in the level of plasticity influences light competition b...
Lu, Huicui
Many monoculture forests (dominated by a single tree species) have been converted to mixed-species forests (dominated by more than one tree species) in Europe over the last decades. The main reason for this conversion was to increase productivity, including timber production, and enhance other ecosystem services, such as conservation of biodiversit...
Remmers, Ilse M.
Microalgae can contain large amounts of lipids which make them a promising feedstock for sustainable production of food, feed, fuels and chemicals. Various studies, including pilot-scale, have been performed and the knowledge on microalgal processes has advanced quickly. Unfortunately, current production costs for cultivation are still too high for...
Ruis, Marko A.W. van der Borg, Joanne A.M.
In dit rapport staat het concretiseren van doelvoorschriften in de wet- en regelgeving ten aanzien van het aanbieden van licht bij bedrijfsmatig gehouden gezelschapsdieren centraal, met speciale aandacht voor de houderij van honden en konijnen. Op basis van bevindingen in een literatuurstudie naar de ethologische en fysiologische behoeften van hond...
Claassens, Nicolaas J.H.P.
The application of microbial and plant photosynthesis for biobased production on the one hand has a huge potential but on the other hand photosynthesis has serious limitations regarding its efficiency. Hence, studying both fundamental features of photosynthetic processes and engineering of photosystems is of paramount interest, exploring the engine...
Abeel, Thomas Adriaen, Jurgen Meeus, Wouter Platteaux, Inge Durinck, Guy Audenaert, Jan Van de Perre, Laurens Himpe, Walter Van Der Elst, Jacques Roelant, Ella
status: Published
Heuvelink, E. Kierkels, T.
Charles Darwin is niet alleen bekend door de evolutietheorie. De negentiende eeuwse wetenschapper was namelijk de eerste die rond 1880 aantoonde dat planten reageren op de zwaartekracht. Daarna was het nog 125 jaar wachten voordat duidelijk werd dat planten de zwaartekracht ook echt nodig hebben voor een normale groei.
Prusova, Alena
This thesis (Light on phloem transport – an MRI approach) aims to answer the question whether phloem transport can be a limiting factor for photosynthesis efficiency (and ultimately causing a bottleneck towards achieving higher yields). To answer this key question, we manipulated the source: sink ratio within tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) while ...
García, Nieves Weerheim, Kees van der Helm, Frank Kempkes, Frank de Visser, Pieter Groot, Marco
In de winter van 2013-2014 is met financiering door Kas als Energiebron bij Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw teeltonderzoek gedaan naar mogelijkheden energie te besparen in de teelt van gerbera, cv Kimsey. Onderzocht is de bijdrage van LED belichting, LED tussenbelichting, een lagere intensiteit van de belichtingsinstallatie, en lichtintegratie. Beoogd w...