Solano Vázquez, Eduardo
From the criticism that Franz Hinkelammert issues to transcendental-abstract thought, which flaunts and supports enlightenment-capitalist modernity through its empirical sciences: law, economics, sociology, this text has been produced. This highlights the repercussions of thought in historical reality, hence, together with Hinkelammert and the trad...
Levine, Emmanuel
This paper seeks to demonstrate how the critique of the Hegelian idea of recognition plays a central role in Enrique Dussel’s Philosophy of Liberation. It begins by showing how Dussel encountered the richness and limits of Levinasian thought on recognition. Following in Levinas’s footsteps, Dussel shows the ethical and political fecundity of an asy...
Khavina, Irina Chebakova, Yuliia Derpak, Olena Tytarenko, Nataliia Kharchenko, Sergej
The history of humanity is characterized by the existence of oppressive devices that, in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres, marginalize individuals and communities, preventing the enjoyment of their human rights, in accordance with theirimmanent dignity. In this sense, critical political philosophy has endeavored to reflect, from...
Martínez Vásquez, Luis Arturo
This paper aims to offer a brief overview of philosophical anthropology as a general contextualization for those who wish to begin their humanistic studies at the university level. In such way, it will allow them to question their starting points and establish a critical position in the face of the discourses about the human being that continue ope...
Andino, Cristian
Los análisis epistemológicos suponen la revisión de los procesos de producción de conocimientos científicos. Un recorrido por las condiciones materiales, histórico-sociales, políticas, ideológicas e incluso personales que propician u obstaculizan su producción, sistematización y difusión. En esta línea, el presente artículo presenta un sucinte reco...
Dorta, Germán
The following work, in the first place, seeks through an analysis of freedom in San Agustín, to visualize how the Augustinian libertas implies the gestation of an authentic human interiority. This becomes a key element to understand the philosophical problem of freedom from the perspective of liberation. Secondly, the Foucauldian difference between...
Nella, Jorge
Este trabajo a forma de ensayo, toma como objeto de investigación los discursos del juego, en tanto funcionamiento ideológico en los espacios educativos. Parte en principio de un argumento lógico cuyas premisas son la noción no esencialista del sujeto y el entendimiento de las prácticas culturales como discursos, que nos lleva a concluir tal como a...
Alvarado Corrales, Eduardo
In the history of philosophy, culture occupies a special space, in addition to being indispensable for the understanding of the human being and the symbols that define his existence. Understanding the cultural universe means entering into the recognition of human practices, customs and beliefs that consolidate the identity and otherness of individu...
Fernández Labbé, Marcos
This article gives account of the process of priestly politicization in Chile between the 1960s and 1970s, a context defined by the victory of the Unidad Popular. One of the factors in this process of priestly politicization was the experience of priests approaching working-class sectors, where they saw the practical convergence with Marxism, a rea...
Zuchel, Lorena
In the first pages of his book Woman and Philosophy in Ibero-American Thought, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt wonders if "the pause of silence" might not be the best way to deal with the patriarchal colonization that has raised the voice of man as the only one in existence. Also, in other spaces, he has insisted on the importance of "letting speak" or "lis...