Claesson, Anette Svensson, Sara
Det har sedan början av 2000-talet skett en gradvis ökning av andelen som får vård för psykiatriska tillstånd. Specialistsjuksköterskan med inriktning mot psykiatrisk vård har flera specifika åtaganden, varav ett är att ansvara för att patienten får stöd och insatser för att stärka förmågan till egenvård och återhämtning. När specialistsjukskötersk...
Wisler, Emma
Spina bifida is a congenital malformation of the spine that can lead to significant physical and cognitive disabilities. In the past, survival rates associated with this condition were low, but thanks to medical advances, the majority of those born today live into adulthood. This study aims to investigate how adults with spina bifida experience liv...
Altorh, Anas Vogt, Michael
Background: A stoma operation can be a life-saving surgical procedure, but life after the operation is challenging for the individual. Previous research indicates that living with a stoma is fraught with challenges related to stoma complications. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe the lived experience of ostomates. Method: ...
Lundberg, Tove Wurm, Matilda Malmquist, Anna
Transgender people report significantly poorer mental health than cisgender people. In psychological research, these health disparities are explained by theories of minority stress and microaggressions, while other disciplines use theories on normativity, livability, affective work, world making and utopias. Such theories are seldom picked up by ps...
Plate Blomberg, Jennie
Detta är ett essäistiskt försök att fånga den flyktiga tråkigheten. Med fenomenologin som grund undersöks lärarens levda erfarenhet av tråkighet och hur den kommer till uttryck i hennes yrkesvardag. I skärningspunkten mellan två gestaltningar ur min lärarvardag, i filosofen Martin Heideggers tre former av tråkighet – uttråkad av, uttråkad med och d...
Inge, Moa
The aim of this study is to analyse how women talk about their breasts, how their breasts affect their orientations in the world as well as how their relationship to their breasts changes throughout life. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with eight white and heterosexual cisgender women between the ages of 23-64 years old. The main ...
Wickström, Anette Kvist Lindholm, Sofia
AbstractAlthough young people in Sweden report that they are in good health, there is an increase in self-reported complaints such as feeling low and nervous. The complaints are reported as poor mental health. However, there is uncertainty regarding what these complaints signify. Using interviews with fifteen-year-olds, this research examines what ...
Palmqvist, Lina
This dissertation examines the status of old age and the nature of elderly care in Sweden, where the welfare state is being transformed through neoliberalism. The overall aim is to study old age as identity and lived experience, and how caring relationships condition the lives of the elderly. The dissertation’s empirical base consists of an ethnogr...
Jansson, Helena Laurell, Ingalill
Supervision has a strong impact on students` professional development. It is during clinical education that students will receive help in linking theory and practice. This study aimed to describe the meaning of good supervision among nursing students in clinical practice. A qualitative design was used. Nine nursing students in western Sweden, who h...
Johansson, Victor Svensson, Simon
Fibromyalgi är en sjukdom som orsakar långvarig smärta på grund av en störning i centrala nervsystemet. Orsaken till dessa störningar är okänd. Diagnostik ställs med hjälp av anamnes och smärtkänsligheten på specifika ställen på kroppen. Det finns ingen botande behandling av fibromyalgi utan behandlingen är istället inriktad på symtomlindring. Häls...