Bórtoli, Pamela Pozzer, Gustavo David
Con el objetivo de comenzar a dimensionar las formas en que se enseña a leer y a escribir en el primer año de la educación superior argentina, este artículo hace foco en lo acontecido en diferentes carreras del Instituto Superior “Pbro. Manuel Alberti” (Corrientes, Argentina). A través de encuestas realizadas a docentes de primer año, se propone un...
Felipe Morales, Andrea Fortes Sánchez, Miguel Marín-Casanova, José Antonio
La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ha irrumpido de forma sorprendente en la sociedad actual, marcada por la eradigital. Este estudio se centra en el uso de la IA generativa en la reinterpretación y actualización de textos literarios clásicos, en los que la mediación de esta tecnología puede ser un recurso de gran valor. A través de una revisión explor...
Murillo Mesia, Rita
This study addresses the complexities related to reading for pleasure among students of the PCEI Fiscal Nocturna Bahía de Caráquez Educational Unit. The results obtained reveal a considerable gap between this and academic reading, highlighting the need to implement pedagogical strategies that facilitate a harmonious integration of both practices. D...
Jiménez Oyosa, Guadalupe Martínez Guzmán, Sonia Torres Martínez, Isaías Sartorius Castellano, Aldo Rafael Sevilla Morfín, José
Students from different generations of the Computer Systems Engineering (ISC) program at the TecNM Minatitlán campus have stated that they practice reading little due to various factors: lack of interest in reading and time, among others. Provoking difficulties in reading comprehension, especially in academic texts, which requires greater analysis ...
Dehghani Nazhvani, Ali Fakhravari, Fariba Hojat, Mohsen
Objective. This study was conducted with the aim of the effect of team members teaching design (TMTD) vs. regular Lectures method on the self-efficacy of the multiple sclerosis patients.Methods. This research is a randomized controlled trial study. In this study, 48 multiple sclerosis persons of members of Jahrom MS Society participated. The person...
Londra, Franco Capurro, Martina Martínez, Magali Saux, Gastón
Introducción. La habilidad para evaluar las fuentes de información en internet es un componente fundamental de la competencia lectora digital. Los lectores raramente incluyen información sobre las fuentes en su modelo mental. En un estudio previo, encontramos que, luego de un breve taller sobre cómo evaluar fuentes, la confiabilidad atribuida a una...
Gonzalez Lynn, Eliana Stein, Alejandra Rosemberg, Celia Renata
Introducción: Estudios desde una perspectiva psicolingüística y sociocultural enfatizaron la estrecha relación entre pensamiento y lenguaje, y el papel de la interacción social en su desarrollo. Las actividades compartidas en el hogar son fundamentales para el desarrollo del discurso y la cognición, la alfabetización y la escolarización. Adquiere r...
Cuestas, Paula Pates, Giuliana
In the context of a feminist fourth wave, characterized by youth participation and the inclusion of its generational agenda, books are published for young people that broaden the representations in sex-generic terms. This article is intended to describe these feminist books, how they are presented by the publishing world and their transmedial circu...
Lago Pupo, Alejandrina Fernández Rosado, Julio César
The activities are a way to favor the development of skills in children in the sixth year of life, hence the importance of the researched topic. In the written report, the theoretical-methodological foundations that support the educational process of Mother Tongue in Early Childhood education are addressed. The research responds to one of the probl...
Peña Alvarez, Zulema
The general objective of this article is to establish from a theoretical approach the level of influence of prior knowledge in the scores of the reading section of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), of B1 level students of a public university in Ecuador. The methodology used for this study was descriptive, since it was based...