Liefooghe, Arnaud Verel, Sébastien
The aim of optimization algorithm designers is to choose the right algorithm and its proper configuration to solve the problem they face. It is, however, even more important to understand and to be able to explain why this choice is relevant. There is in fact a multitude of algorithms among which it is often difficult to determine which one to use ...
bednář, tomáš
Tato diplomová práce se hlouběji zabývá dynamikou a vztahem mezi člověkem a krajinou v kontextu krajinného inženýrství a představuje komplexní analýzu klíčových aspektů krajinného inženýrství. S ohledem na rychlé změny v krajinném prostředí, které jsou výsledkem lidské činnosti a globálních klimatických vlivů, práce navrhuje strategie a techniky kr...
Ragab, Muhammad R.
Graffiti have the power to transform a space within a given landscape into a meaningful place. This study undertakes an in-depth analysis of more than 4000 graffiti created by the workmen of Deir el-Medina in the Theban Mountain during the New Kingdom (c. 1550–1050 BCE), with a particular emphasis on the Valley of the Kings. Additionally, the resea...
Blum, Helen Mockshell, Jonathan Ivanova, Yovita Bergamini, Nadia Remans, Roseline
Using multi-stakeholder platforms offers a promising approach for sharing agricultural innovation, reducing transaction costs, and catalyzing development through stimulating stakeholder engagement in the innovation process to accelerate food systems transformation. Agriculture-related multi-stakeholder platforms (AMSPs) are major players to interve...
Hammarin, Vincent
De svenska torparna var en delmängd av det obesuttna folket, en samhällsklass som var särskilt utbredd under 1700 och 1800-talen. Torparna ägde ingen egen mark utan fick i stället bo i små och enkla torp på någon annans mark i utbyte mot betalning, antingen i pengar eller dagsverke. Torparna, särskilt de i Harbo, var oftast tvungna att ägna sig åt ...
Karlberg, Dennis
I Jönköping finns idag tre synliga bronsåldersgravar fortfarande stående. I början av1900-talet var detta numret 10. Vissa fynd från bronsåldern i området som Sagaholmshögenhar fått mycket uppmärksamhet av forskare, men få landskapsanalyser har utförts över dettaområdet. På andra håll har landskapsanalyser av gravhögar ofta utförts över betydligt s...
pitra, zbyněk
Tato práce se zabývá dvěma oblastmi zabývající se statickými modely schopnými urychlit optimalizaci reálných cílových funkcí drahých at’ už finančně nebo z hlediska časové náročnosti — evolučními algoritmy v kombinaci s regresními náhradními modely a analýzou tvaru funkcí pro náhradní modely v kontextu evoluční black-box optimalizace. / The thesis ...
stoner;, kimberly
Ornamental nursery plants are both a major agricultural industry in the U.S. and a major feature of the urban and suburban landscape. Interest in their relationship with pollinators is two-fold: the extent to which they provide a nutritional benefit to pollinators, and the extent to which they have the potential to harm pollinators by exposing them...
He, Xiaofang Zhao, Wenbin Huang, Jianwen Xu, Jia Niu, Shaoqing Zhang, Qun Zhang, Nu Jin, Huawei Shen, Guoping
Published in
Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders
Advancement in the treatment of glioma has been vacant since temozolomide has proved its therapeutic value in glioblastoma in 2005. To help investigators understand the landscape of glioma clinical research, we analyzed the characteristics and trends of globally registered glioma trials in the past decades. This is a cross-sectional analysis of gli...
Cosson, Raphaël Derbel, Bilel Liefooghe, Arnaud Vérel, Sébastien Zhang, Qingfu Tanaka, Kiyoshi
The design of effective features enabling the development of automated landscape-aware techniques requires to address a number of inter-dependent issues. In this paper, we are interested in contrasting the amount of budget devoted to the computation of features with respect to: (i) the effectiveness of the features in grasping the characteristics o...