Hazeu, Gerard Vittek, Marian Schuiling, Rini Bulens, Jan Dirk Storm, Maarten Roerink, Gerbert Meijninger, Wouter
LGN2018 is a grid file that shows Dutch land use in 2018 with a spatial resolution of 5m. The legend consists of 48 land use classes, distinguishing the main agricultural crops, forest, water, nature and urban classes. In addition to increasing the spatial detail (from 25*25m to 5*5m), the thematic detail of especially the nature areas has been gre...
Hazeu, G.W. Schuiling, C. van Dorland, Gert Gijsbertse, H.A. Jacobs, Theo van Ledden, H.
The LGN5 database is gridfile with a resolution of 25m*25m. The database provides the Dutch land use for the reference years 2003 (eastern part of NL) and 2004 (western part of NL). The legend consist of 39 land use classes divided about the main classes of agricultural area, forests, water, urban area and nature. The database is based on satellite...
Hazeu, G.W. Schuiling, C. van Dorland, Gert Roerink, G.J. Naeff, H.S.D. Smidt, R.A.
The LGN7 database is a grid file with a resolution of 25*25 m. The database provides the Dutch land use for onereference year, the year 2012. The legend consists of 39 land use classes, distinguishing the mainagricultural crops, forest, water, nature and urban classes. The LGN7 file has used the following additional existing data sources:• Top10NL ...
Hazeu, Gerard Thomas, Daphne Vittek, Marian Staritsky, Igor
LGN2022 is a grid file that shows Dutch land use in 2022 with a spatial resolution of 5m. The legendconsists of 51 land use classes and is comarable with LGN2021. However, some LGN classes changed theirdefinition slightly due to adaptations in the production methodology.
LGN2022 is distinguishing the main agricultural crops, forest, water, nature an...
Hazeu, G.W. Schuiling, R. Thomas, Daphne Vittek, M. Storm, M. Bulens, J.D.
LGN2021 is a grid file that shows Dutch land use in 2021 with a spatial resolution of 5m. The legend consists of 50 land use classes. Compared to the previous LGN version (LGN2020), the class solar parks was added, the LGN class 25 'Hoofdwegen en spoorwegen' was split into 3 classes, the LGN class 24 'Kale grond inprimair bebouwd gebied' was remove...
Hazeu, G.W. Schuiling, C. van Dorland, Gert Oldengarm, J. Gijsbertse, Herman
The LGN6 database is a grid file with a resolution of 25*25 m. The database provides the Dutch land use for one reference year, the years 2007 (eastern NL) and 2008 (western NL). The legend consists of 39 land use classes, distinguishing the main agricultural crops, forest, water, nature and urban classes. Compared to LGN5 somethematic changes in c...
Hendriks, Chantal Arets, Eric van Huijstee, Jolien Teenstra, Eddy
Deze interactieve PDF beschrijft de monitoring en rapportage van de emissies en verwijderingen van broeikasgassen door landgebruik, landgebruiksveranderingen en bosbouw (LULUCF) in Nederland.
de Carvalho Gomes, Lucas
In light of the projected climate change for the coming decades, there is an urgent need for multifunctional landscapes that are capable to provide a diversity of ecosystem services. This requires a better understanding of social and ecological factors that influence how these landscapes are managed and how this, in turn, influences the provision o...
Elbersen, B. Ammerlaan, I. Klein Lankhorst, R. Matser, A. Trindade, L. Lesschen, J.P. Spijker, J. van der Meer, I. Broese, J. Nabuurs, G.J.
Vellinga, T. van Eekeren, N.
In het vorige nummer van V-focus is besproken wat het optimale landgebruik voor bodemkwaliteit is op melkveebedrijven met gras en mais, namelijk: 60% blijvend grasland met een lage frequentie van graslandvernieuwing en 20% grasklaver (rode en witte klaver) in rotatie met 20% bouwland. In het hetzelfde nummerwerd uitgerekend dat dit een gemiddeld me...