Santos Rocha, Jozimo
In this thesis, I use experimental and quasi-experimental data from 25 villages and a total of 1,105 farmers from eastern DRC to investigate the relationship among agricultural training, the adoption of agricultural technologies, crop productivity, and household food insecurity and dietary diversity. I present evidence that contributes to narrow th...
Shao, Qianqian
Economics and politics interact. Political and economic forces influence the choices of policy instruments, the distribution of economic rent, and the distribution of political power. Politicians balance the interaction of economic rents and political interests in the policy-making process. Some policies aim to correct market failures, others aim t...
Ross, Martha
This thesis contributes to a growing literature that explores relationships between social networks and innovation diffusion within a developing country context. Given this context, the networks of interest within this thesis are the offline interpersonal relationships between community members. Diffusion channels for new innovation are therefore l...
Namayengo, Mayanja Muyonga Faith
The contents of this dissertation are based on a quantitative and qualitative survey that was conducted to assess the contribution of microcredit access of women to production and household food security status, and the factors associated with enterprise performance and food security outcomes. In order to do so four main issues were addressed: (a) ...
Hasler, Kathrin
Agricultural production has kept pace with the population growth (FAO, 2012). One major input for a productive agriculture are fertilizers. Despite their effect on yield and quality, they also have considerable effects on the environment leading to emission of greenhouse gases, acidification, eutrophication and use of scare resources (Ruttan, 2002;...
van Berkum, S. Jongeneel, R.A. Vrolijk, H.C.J. van Leeuwen, M.G.A. Jager, J.H.
This report offers quantification of effects of possible trade and agricultural support scenarios on theUK agricultural production, trade, farm gate prices and farmers’ income levels in case of the UKleaving the EU. The results of each scenario show that for most sectors the biggest driver of UK farmincome changes is the level of public support pay...
Bogaardt, M.J. Poppe, K.J. Viool, V. van Zuidam, E.
Every day new digital applications find their way into our lives. Digitization has brought our society many benefits and will do so for the coming years as key enabler for our economy. It is an important driver behind innovation and economic growth. However, to create sustainable innovation and frequent use, security is absolutely essential. Due to...
Mücher, Sander De Simone, Lorenzo Kramer, Henk de Wit, Allard Roupioz, Laure Hazeu, Gerard Boogaard, Hendrik Schuiling, Rini Fritz, Steffen Latham, John
The GAES database (Version 01a) is a newly developed Global Agro-Environmental Stratification within the EU SIGMA (Stimulating Innovation for Global Monitoring of Agriculture) project. GAES will serve as a new agro-environmental stratification for better global monitoring of the agricultural production on the basis of Earth Observation data and cro...
Agricola, H.J. Kuhlman, T.
Gemeente Ede wil meer inzicht krijgen in de economische betekenis van het regionale agrofoodcomplex. Meer specifiek luidt de vraag: hoe verhoudt de bedrijvigheid van de agrofoodsector in de regio FoodValley – in termen van werkgelegenheid en toegevoegde waarde – zich tot andere agrofoodregio’s in Nederland? Om de positie van regio FoodValley en gem...
van Berkum, S.
What is the agricultural potential of the Central Asian region, comprised of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, in the light of food secu-rity and the intensification of regional agricultural production? The focus should be on animal husbandry, arable farming and horticulture. What are the most obvious issues for the region in ter...