In 2020 Indonesia imported 911,194 tons of corn. Therefore, each region needs to optimize their land-use. One of the potential areas for corn development is in West Sumatra. Therefore, this research was conducted with the objectives of a) assessing land suitability for corn and b) analyzing limiting factors and alternatives for land improvements. T...
The land system of state-owned farms in China is different from that in rural areas. Whether the land tenure of state-owned farms can play a role in protecting cultivated land is an important issue for the high-quality development of state-owned agriculture in China. This article develops a dynamic model to examine how land tenure influences farmer...
The spatial aspect of the challenge of the sustainable land tenure formation has been scrutinized in the article. There is a set of unresolved issues at the point where interests of land owners, land users and the government clash, that witnesses the absence of effective mechanisms of the formed land tenure system improvement. At the transition to ...
The Aichi Biodiversity Targets agreed in Nagoya in 2012 included restoring 15% of the world’s degraded ecosystems by 2020 (Target 15). Subsequent assessments have led to estimates that for terrestrial ecosystems, this 15% means restoring a staggering 350 million hectares – and requires billions of tons of tree seed and trillions of seedlings. In th...
Natuurherstel op voormalige landbouwpercelen, vooral op zandgronden, wordt uitgevoerd om bestaande natuurgebieden te vergroten en ecologische verbindingszones te versterken. Belangrijke beperkende factoren zijn bodemgerelateerd: hoge nutriëntengehaltes, ongeschikte zaadbanken en tekort aan geschikt bodemleven. Een combinatie van ontgronden en trans...
Water erosion is the most important degradation process of the 10 degradation processes distinguished by the European Union. The impact of rain drops on the soil surface causes splash of soil particles
Rajasthan presents evidence for the existence of one of the most advanced examples of ancient mining and accompanied deforestation to be found anywhere in the world. Mining continues to be an important economic activity contributing to 2% of the State Domestic Product and providing at least a 1.76 % share to the regular employment pool in Rajasthan...