Karlstad is one of the places that offers a chance for a secondary education. One of them has been at the real school at the educational institution and at the girl school. The purpose of the assignment was to study the education at both the real school and the girl school in Karlstad during two school years. The first school year that was in 1906–...
In this thesis I research a senior high school association called The Patriotic Society, and the records that they produced between 1887–1907. The title, which roughly translates to “The song of the bards is the voice of the people!”, is a quote from a poem, published in the paper of the association. I seek to determine what their “thought style” ...
Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera, kartlägga och jämföra de argument som fördesfram för och emot enhetsskolans (och så småningom grundskolans) införande under perioden1940-1962. De aktörer vars argument är av intresse är folkskollärare och läroverkslärare.Dessa båda lärargrupper antas ha haft olika attityder till den enhetsskola som föres...