Verweij, Peter van Haren, Charlotte van Eupen, Michiel Jancovic, Martin Cahyani, Shassy
The circular bioeconomy is the intersection of bioeconomy and circular economy. It strives towards a more sustainable and resource efficient world with a low carbon footprint. The circular bioeconomy increases the resource efficiency of processes and the use of recycled materials. In addition, fossil carbon is substituted through renewable carbon f...
van Dijk, W. de Boer, J. de Haan, M.H.A. Mostert, P. Oenema, J. Verloop, J.
Lof, Marjolein Schenau, Sjoerd de Jong, Rixt Remme, Roy Graveland, Cor Hein, Lars
The carbon account provides a comprehensive overview of all relevant carbon stocks and flows. The carbon account for the Netherlands was developed within the scope of the ‘System of Environmental Economic Accounts – Experimen tal Ecosystem Accounting’ (SEEA EEA) project for the Netherlands (Natuurlijk Kapitaalrekeningen Nederland: NKR_NL), which is...
Sloothaak, Jasper
Fungi have been used as food and in food fermentations long before written accounts were created and they have been used in folk medicine in ancient cultures. For centuries, species of the genus Aspergillus have been used for the preparation of traditional Asian foodstuffs or together with baker’s yeast in preparation of alcoholic beverages and hav...
Vijge, M.J.
Carbonizing forest governance: Analyzing the consequences of REDD+ for multilevel forest governance Marjanneke J. Vijge Despite the fifty years of global action to combat deforestation and forest degradation, the world is still losing its forests at great scale. A recent governance initiative that has raised high expectations to address global defo...
Gao, X. Porada, S. Omosebi, A. Liu, K.L. Biesheuvel, P.M. Landon, J.
Commercially available activated carbon cloth electrodes are treated using nitric acid and ethylenediamine solutions, resulting in chemical surface charge enhanced carbon electrodes for capacitive deionization (CDI) applications. Surface charge enhanced electrodes are then configured in a CDI cell to examine their salt removal at a fixed charging v...
de Sy, V.
The new Paris Agreement, approved by 195 countries under the auspice of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), calls for limiting global warming to “well below" 2°Celsius. An important part of the climate agreement relates to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and enhancing carbon stocks (REDD...
Wang, Peng
Global climate has been warming up for the last decades and it will continue in this century. The Arctic is the part of the globe that warms fastest and is more sensitive to climate warming. Aboveground productivity of Arctic tundra has been shown to increase in response to warmer climates. However, belowground responses of tundra vegetation are st...
Beintema, N. van Groenigen, J.W.
Per vierkante meter bodem leven honderden wormen en insecten samen met kilometers aan schimmeldraden, vele miljoenen aaltjes en miljarden bacteriën. Onderzoek maakt steeds meer duidelijk van het precaire evenwicht ondergronds, en de grote invloed daarvan op het leven bovengronds. Het levert nieuwe strategieën op voor gewasbescherming.
de Haan, M.H.A. Aarts, H.F.M.
De komende jaren moeten melkveehouders verplicht gaan werken met de KringloopWijzer. Dat heeft als doel ze bewuster te maken van hun bedrijfsprestaties en de manier waarop ze de mineralenstroom kunnen sturen. In dit artikel leggen de grondleggers van het systeem uit hoe de KringloopWijzer werkt en waarom dit voor loonbedrijven van belang is.