Li, Wenzhu Chen, Jiangfei Ma, Hongjing Feng, Xin
Published in
Frontiers in Physics
Information overload and cocoon effect make the phenomenon of emotional polarization easily appear in online knowledge community. The mechanism of emotional polarization of users in knowledge community is analyzed, so as to reveal the formation rule of users’ emotional polarization in knowledge community and summarize the intervention measures, pro...
Li, Xuguang Cox, Andrew
Published in
Among online communities of customers there are a number of different types of group that need to be distinguished. One interesting type are virtual product user communities, i.e. company sponsored online forums where product users share usage experience and collaboratively construct new knowledge to solve technical problems. The purpose of this pa...
Stassin, Bérengère
Cet article porte sur Wiki Trans, un site collaboratif créé par une femme transgenre pour permettre la mise en commun d’expériences et le partage d’informations liées aux aspects sociaux et médicaux de la transidentité et répondre aux besoins informationnels qu’elle suscite. Le site vise à centraliser des informations dispersées au sein du web, à t...
Ehrlick, Steven P. Slotta, James
Published in
Frontiers in Education
Ehrlick, Steven P. Slotta, James
Published in
Frontiers in Education
This design-based research (DBR) study examined the ways in which a learning community approach can be enacted in large undergraduate lecture courses through a scaffolded, complex curricular design that utilizes active and inquiry-based learning. By combining a traditional lecture with breakout tutorials, the study involved two iterations, firstly ...
Brun, Patrick
Le mouvement atd Quart Monde et le Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (Cnam) ont organisé en 2015-2016 un séminaire épistémologique autour des recherches participatives en croisement des savoirs avec des représentants de milieux de pauvreté et des professionnels. Le but était d’établir les plus-values de recherches académiques menées en cro...
Filippi, Maryline Wallet, Frederic Polge, Etienne
International audience
Filippi, Marie Denise Wallet, Frederic Polge, Etienne
L’objectif de cet article est de revenir sur l’évolution du groupe « Dynamiques de Proximité », analysé ici comme une communauté de connaissance. Si la notion de proximité s’est affirmée comme outil original d’analyse de la dimension spatiale des phénomènes économiques et sociaux, elle a été développée et popularisée par un groupe de chercheurs, po...
Gunnarsson, Bjorn Levi Alterman, Richard
Promoting blog content is a social activity — a means of communicating one student’s appreciation of another student’s work. This article explores the feasibility of using student promotions of content, in a blogosphere, to identify quality content, and implications for students and instructors. We show that students actively and voluntarily promot...
Gunnarsson, Bjorn Levi Alterman, Richard
Promoting blog content is a social activity — a means of communicating one student’s appreciation of another student’s work. This article explores the feasibility of using student promotions of content, in a blogosphere, to identify quality content, and implications for students and instructors. We show that students actively and voluntarily promot...