Impact of microbial variability on food safety and quality
Dairy cows possess a unique digestive system to digest fibre-rich diets. Ingested feed is retained and degraded in the rumen by the enteric microbial population and is passed from the rumen to the following segments of the digestive tract. Passage of feed determines energy and protein supply to the animal and is a key parameter in several feed eval...
The aim of this study was to model acrylamide formation during baking of biscuits, using multi-response kinetic modelling.
'Many of the in vitro toxicological studies have not been sufficiently validated to determine their applicability domain, even less have gained regulatory acceptance. Major advantage of in vitro testing today is the early identification of significant hazards in compound development and reduced and targeted animal testing. Replacing complex animal ...
The level of quality that food maintains as it travels down the production-to-consumption path is largely determined by the chemical, biochemical, physical, and microbiological changes that take place during its processing and storage. Kinetic Modeling of Reactions in Foods demonstrates how to effectively capture these changes in an integrative fas...
Acrylamide can be formed in foods that have undergone a high temperature treatment (>120 °C) such as French fries, crisps, coffee and bread, due to the Maillard reaction. The evidence of acrylamide in foods posing a risk for different types of cancer has been strengthened. Mitigation of acrylamide formation in foods is, therefore, of great importan...
A widely adopted procedure to characterise the degradation in the rumen and its dynamics is the in situ incubation technique that assumes the washable fraction of feeds (W) to be equal to the soluble (S) fraction and that both are rapidly and completely degraded which may not be the case. Because W fraction is washed out of nylon bags, their behavi...
Keywords: fermentation, gas production, pigletsThe generalized theory behind the carbohydrate to protein fermentation in the GIT is that in presence of fermentable carbohydrate substrate, microbes prefer to ferment carbohydrate source to derive energy and use the nitrogen available for their own growth. With this background information, it was hypo...
This paper starts with an overview of some typical food-science problems. In view of the development of safe and healthy food, the use of mathematical models in food science is much needed and the use of statistics is therefore indispensable. Because of the biological variability in the raw materials on the one hand and the complex nature of foods ...