Genetic and physiological quality of tomato seed and seedlings
Met behulp van camera's worden aparte beeldopnamen gemaakt. Die beelden worden geanalyseerd op het wel of niet aanwezig zijn van bietenplanten gekoppeld aan het GPS coördinaat.
Weak organic acids such as sorbic acid, lactate, and acetic acid are widely used by the food industry as preservatives to control growth of micro-organisms. With the current trend towards milder processing of food products, opportunities arise for spore-forming spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms such as Bacillus cereus, that may survive the use...
Savanna ecosystems are characterized by a continuous grass layer intermixed with a discontinuous layer of trees and shrubs. A complex set of environmental drivers, such as water, soil nutrients, solar radiance, fire and herbivory, determines vegetation structure and composition in savannas.Such environmental drivers are expected to be strongly affe...
Rangelands in Africa provide important forage resources for herbivores; particularly perennial grasses provide grazing for domestic and wild herbivores. However, semi-arid African rangelands experience severe vegetation and soil degradation due to heavy grazing, causing negative impacts on the ecosystems, livestock production and livelihoods of the...
status: published
DIMO is a plant dispersal model. It simulates plant dispersal in time, given (abiotic) suitability and species-specific characteristics. DIMO comprises three main processes: seed dispersal, seed-bank degradation and germination. The Manual for DIMO consists of instructions on how to install the program, prepare the input data, run t...
Pasgekiemde zaden of jonge planten van bos- en haagplantsoengewassen en rozenonderstammen vallen regelmatig weg door kiemplantenziekte. Bodemschimmels zoals Botrytis, Fusarium Pythium en Rhizoctonia zijn de boosdoeners. Deze schimmels slaan vooral toe onder natte omstandigheden. Ook in andere landbouwgewassen is kiemplantenziekte een probleem. In d...
My research focused on the biosynthetic origin of germination stimulants of the root parasitic plants, Striga spp. and Orobanche spp., which have an increasing impact on cereal and other economically important crops in many regions of the world. The traditional control methods are not sufficient and therefore efficient and feasible control methods ...
Om het proces van winterrust nader te onderzoeken, is gekeken naar de koudebehoefte van het proefgewas Malus 'Elstar', dat bekend staat om zijn problemen met afharden en winterrust. In het voorjaar van 2006 zijn dan ook problemen te verwachten met de doorbreking van de winterrust. Het lukte PPO Bomen en ingenieursbureau Croppings om hier meer vat o...