Cannon, Clare Ferreira, Regardt Buttell, Fred OConnor, Allyson
This study investigated posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) prevalence among a sample of intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors (n = 77) who filed for restraining orders in rural Louisiana during the COVID-19 pandemic. IPV survivors were individually interviewed to assess their self-reported levels of perceived stress, resilience, potential PTS...
Grocott, Lauren R Brick, Leslie A Armey, Michael F Stuart, Gregory L Shorey, Ryan C
Published in
Alcohol, clinical & experimental research
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major public health concern among young adults and has shown a consistent association with alcohol use. However, previous research has used cross-sectional and daily diary designs that may fail to pinpoint the effects of alcohol use within several hours of IPV occurring. The present study used novel ecological m...
Myall, Michelle Morgan, Sara Scott, Steph
Published in
Frontiers in Health Services
Baeza, María José De Santis, Joseph P Cianelli, Rosina Metheny, Nicholas Villegas, Natalia Iriarte, Evelyn
Published in
Hispanic health care international : the official journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses
Purpose: This review sought to identify and integrate available evidence on various sources of Hispanic women's well-being following intimate partner violence (IPV). Methods: The review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Four peer-reviewed databases ...
Hodžić, Lejla
Prisilni nadzor predstavlja kompleksen vidik nasilja v intimnih partnerskih odnosih, ki zajema različne oblike manipulacije, nadzora in omejevanja svobode posameznika. Ta subtilna oblika nasilja pogosto ostaja spregledana, kljub temu pa ima lahko resne in dolgoročne posledice za žrtve. V diplomskem delu z naslovom Prepoznavnost in razumevanje konce...
Skrt, Kaja
Družinska in partnerska okolja naj bi bila človekov varni pristan, žal pa temu ni vedno tako. Nasilje krši temeljne človekove pravice in zato predstavlja pomemben družbeni problem. In kadar se pojavijo stiske, lahko socialno delo vstopi kot ključni podporni sistem. Delati socialno delo pomeni tudi poslušati in dati zgodbam posameznikov svoje mesto....
Časar, Deja
V magistrskem delu se osredotočam na femicid, ki je bil posledica intimnopartnerskega nasilja. V teoretičnem uvodu pričnem z nasiljem nad ženskami, kjer opisujem različne spolne vloge žensk in moških teh njihov vpliv na pojmovanje nasilja, ki ga v nadaljevanju tudi definiram. Dotaknem se tudi načina presojanja nasilnih dejanj. V nadaljevanju teoret...
Blumrich, Lukas Sousa, Braian Lucas Aguiar Barbieri, Marco Antônio Simões, Vanda Maria Ferreira da Silva, Antonio Augusto Moura Bettiol, Heloisa Ferraro, Alexandre Archanjo
Published in
Frontiers in Global Women's Health
Introduction Psychosocial stress during pregnancy has long-lasting and important consequences in the following generations, as it can affect intrauterine development. The impact on the developing immune system is notoriously important due to the associated morbidity and mortality in the first years of life. Little attention has been given to the ro...
Austin, Robert D. Sommer, Doris Sacco, Pier Luigi
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Luo, Zhenni Guan, Yan Li, Yun Xu, Weihong Li, Lu Liu, Siyuan Zhou, Haozheng Yin, Xuanhao Wu, Yibo Chen, Jiangyun
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
Introduction This study aimed to explore the influence of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) on depression, the mediating role of social support, and the moderating role of the Big Five personality traits in the relationship between social support and depression. Methods Participants were recruited from Mainland China, using a stratified random sampli...