Pierzak, Damian
Due to the fact that Andocides is nowhere mentioned in Cicero’s oeuvre it is universally assumed that Cicero could not have read, let alone been inspired by, the works of Andocides. By comparing several passages from both orators, this paper argues that this is not necessarily the case. In terms of both language and content, these texts bear so clo...
Wójcicka, Marta
The internet meme is a multimodal speech genre functioning primarily in the Internet space, based on intertextuality, repeatedly duplicated and spread (Wójcicka 2019: 24), which mainly performs persuasive and ludic functions. The aim of the article is to analyze: 1) memes, the subject of which is the transgression of the linguistic norm by meme her...
Kościelniak-Woźniak, Maria
The article aims to analyse changes in the functioning of the song titled Hej, Krywaniu (Hey, Kriváň) and their relation to trends in pop culture. Tracing the cross-media shifts has contributed to and complemented the multidimensional research on Kriváň, which earlier failed to take into account the performative framing of new meanings and has not ...
Dynkowska, Julia
It stands to reason that ekphrasis cannot be limited to the detailed but plain description of the artifact, for it often concerns what is not there in the painting as well. Authors of the ekphrases sometimes “animate” or “revive” a work of art, which manifests itself in narrativization of painted scenes. The process is also frequently supplemented ...
Dynkowska, Julia
Rozprawa Apokryficzność i ekfrastyczność jako komplementarne poetyki intertekstualne dotyczy powiązań apokryficzności oraz ekfrastyczności, ich wspólnych punktów i komplementarności. Celem dysertacji jest wykazanie i zaprezentowanie niedostrzeganej do tej pory paralelności tych dwóch poetyk intertekstualnych. Praca składa się z czterech rozdziałów ...
Sztorc, Weronika
In his poetic output, Andrzej Bursa alluded to a variety of Polish and foreign artistic works: mostly poetry and prose, but not only (e.g. Goya’s Los Caprichos and Dante’s Divine Comedy). The paper discusses the intertextual allusions in Bursa’s poems and analyzes the translation techniques applied Kevin Christianson and Halina Abłamowicz (Utwory z...
Kurska, Anna
This article describes the use of romantic elements in Orbitowski and Urbaniuk’s criminal novel, Tancerz (Dancer). It also shows how the authors of the pop-cultural story enrich the plot, language and poetry thanks by referring to Romanticism. I draw attention to the multiplicity of solutions that, on the one hand, lead to the simplification of mea...
Kurska, Anna
This article describes the use of romantic elements in Orbitowski and Urbaniuk’s criminal novel, Tancerz (Dancer). It also shows how the authors of the pop-cultural story enrich the plot, language and poetry thanks by referring to Romanticism. I draw attention to the multiplicity of solutions that, on the one hand, lead to the simplification of mea...
Kurska, Anna
This article describes the use of romantic elements in Orbitowski and Urbaniuk’s criminal novel, Tancerz (Dancer). It also shows how the authors of the pop-cultural story enrich the plot, language and poetry thanks by referring to Romanticism. I draw attention to the multiplicity of solutions that, on the one hand, lead to the simplification of mea...
Kolmaga, Weronika
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