Piqueras Flores, Manuel
Introduction to the monograph La novela corta interpolada en el Renacimiento y primer Barroco. The forms of diffusion of the short narrative throughout the Spanish Golden Age are synthesized and the different degrees of integration of short novels in larger works are studied. Following this analysis, the main insights of each of the contributions t...
Munar Torres, Camila Segura Granados, Nicolas
This work presents an alternative system of interpolation of several signals based on artificial neural networks using MATLAB. Different architectures were tested starting with a neural network with multilayer perceptron topology, seeking to obtain twice as many samples of the original signal, whose training algorithm was performed from a database ...
Piqueras Flores, Manuel Santos de la Morena, Blanca
A study of the interpolation of El curioso impertinente in the first part of Don Quixote is proposed, taking into account the context of the prose of golden fiction, the narrative approaches of Cervantes throughout his literary career, and the metaliterary reflection in his work. It explores the connections of the novel with the text that contains ...
Santoyo de la Cruz, Mario Francisco Flores Magdaleno, Héctor Khalil Gardezi, Abdul Mancilla Villa, Óscar Raúl Rubiños Panta, Juan Enrique
Abstract Introduction: The salinity of Lake Texcoco is due to the fact that it was an endorheic basin, it had no way of washing the salts. The causes of salinization of agricultural soils in these plots are: poor irrigation management, use of low quality water for irrigation and excessive use of chemical fertilizers. The objective of this work was ...
Santoyo de la Cruz, Mario Francisco Flores-Magdaleno, Héctor Khalil-Gardezi, Abdul Mancilla-Villa, Óscar Raúl Rubiños-Panta, Juan Enrique
Resumen Introducción: La salinidad del lago de Texcoco se debe a que éste fue una cuenca endorreica, no tenía forma de lavar las sales. Las causas de salinización de los suelos agrícolas en estas parcelas son: manejo deficiente del riego, uso de aguas de baja calidad para riego y uso excesivo de los fertilizantes químicos. El objetivo de este traba...
Mesa, Fernando Devia Narvaez, Diana Marcela Correa Vélez, German
This document contains a detailed comparison between the initial numerical solution methods of ordinary differential equations, which start from the Euler method approach, which is based on the solution of differential equations by the Taylor method, the others two methods to be compared are improvements of this method, that of Euler, and they are ...
Riveros Rotgé, Héctor Gerardo
The results of an experiment can be presented as a data table or as an equation that represents them. In the case of adjusting a polynomial, Excel allows us to change its degree and calculates the R2 of the adjusted equation. It is considered that if it is 1 the equation goes through all the experimental points. By adjusting water vapor pressure da...
Flores Garnica, José Germán Reyes Cárdenas, Oscar
Resumen En el estado de Chiapas, Pinus oocarpa se distribuye ampliamente a lo largo de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas, específicamente, en las subprovincias de la Depresión Central, la Altiplanicie Central y las Montañas de Oriente. En el presente trabajo, se analizó la distribución espacial de esta especie a través del análisis de la densidad Kernel, ...
Aragón Moreno, Juan Antonio Serna Castaño, Erika Daniela Solano Romero, David Steven
Abstract In Colombia, there is a lack in wind weather studies, since those that currently exist do not apply statistical techniques or adequate representative periods. Therefore, the present study analyzes the wind weather behavior in the city of Bogotá, for the period 2010 to 2016, seeking to describe this weather variable statistically spatially ...
Gimenez Palomares, Fernando
El laboratorio virtual permite visualizar la gráfica de una función a elegir entre 6 dadas en un intervalo [a,b] y el polinomio de Hermite que la aproxima a partir de n puntos que pueden ser nodos equiespaciados, nodos de Tchebysheff o nodos aleatorios de [a,b]. También se obtiene la gráfica del error cometido. / http://laboratoriosvirtuales.upv.es...