Attah-Otu, Bernard Sengupta, Angan McAleavy, Tony
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Temporary labor migration is a household phenomenon among rural communities in India. This study seeks to understand the subjective experiences influencing the temporariness of labor migration among internal migrants in India by examining various factors such as migration conditions, motivation, migration arrangements, coping and adaptation strateg...
Nuraliev, Nurlan Akimbekovich Myrzabayeva, Nargiza Myrzabekovna Zhoomartova, Eliza Zhoomartovna
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
This article examines the influence of environmental factors on migration processes in Kyrgyzstan, taking into account their socio-economic and political aspects. The article explores the relationship between them, with particular emphasis on internal migration from agricultural areas to urban centers. The causes and consequences of migration, incl...
Thomassen, Jonne A. K. Lundholm, Emma Malmberg, Gunnar
We explore staying and migration behaviour using a multigenerational perspective on local ties. Based on Swedish register data, we take a shared birthplace between young adults and one or more of their parents and grandparents as a proxy for multigenerational local ties in the young adult's birthplace. Our aim is to investigate whether the presence...
Neyse, Sarper Lundholm, Emma
Counterurban migration is known to be driven by lifestyle motivations, in which employment considerations are more of an enabling factor than a driver. In this paper, the self-reported motives, along with labour-market and lifestyle outcomes, of counterurban migration are investigated. The focus is on trade-offs between work-related and lifestyle-r...
Verdugo Núñez, Gladis Vargas Valle, Eunice Danitza
The article examines the relationship between internal migration of children and adolescents and school enrollment in the border state of Baja California, Mexico. This research combines the analysis of the 2020 Population Census microdata and semi-structured interviews with teachers who served this sector between 2015 and 2022. Internal migrant chi...
Foubert, Killian Ruyssen, Ilse
Terrorism globally yields severe consequences for individuals and societies, potentially driving migration within and across borders. Yet, empirical evidence on its causal impact remains limited. The contribution of our paper is twofold. First, we construct various indicators of terrorist activity at a fine level of spatial and temporal granularity...
Le Bourhis, Eric
L’autonomie politique des municipalités soviétiques était fragile et changeante. Cet article étudie cette question à partir du cas de Riga, capitale de la république lettone, à l’époque khrouchtchévienne, dans le domaine de la délivrance de permis de résidence. Parce que ce domaine ne faisait a priori pas partie des compétences municipales et n’éta...
Rodríguez, Gonzalo Martín Molinatti, Florencia
The paper proposes to revisit Horacio Torres' thesis on the suburbanization of the elites in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) during the last decade of the 20th century, a process that is assumed to be closely linked to the proliferation of gated communities in the periphery and which author considered "late" in relation to what happened i...
Zhang, Jingwen
The world has experienced unprecedented levels of migration and population ageing over the past few decades, both of which have had significant impacts on societies and economies globally. With its rapid urbanisation, declining fertility and increasing longevity, China has witnessed the largest growth in internal migration and population ageing in ...
Menashe-Oren, Ashira Stecklov, Guy
Published in
Population studies
The balance of men and women in society, captured by sex ratios, determines key social and demographic phenomena. Previous research has explored sex ratios mainly at birth and up to age five at national level, whereas we address rural-urban gaps in sex ratios for all ages. Our measures are based on the United Nations data on rural and urban populat...