Rossi, Ignacio Andrés
The paper analyzes the economic debates in the journal Cuadernos del Sur (CS) in its first period (1985-1989). This, which was characterized by an intellectual perspective of Marxist roots in political economy, constitutes a historical piece of vacancy to capture the controversies in economics of the time. The approach is based on the methodology o...
Quiguanas Chila, Blademir Rojas Velásquez, Libardo
This article empirically analyzed the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth (EG) in the Pacific Alliance countries. Quarterly data was used for each variable, and unit root tests, cointegration, and causality tests were applied. Additionally, a multivariate error correction model and impulse response functions wer...
Molano-Cruz, Giovanni
Resumen Mediante el estudio de la conexión de dirigentes y organizaciones gremiales con la Asociación Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio (Alalc) y la Comunidad Andina (Can), entre 1960 y 2020, el objetivo de este artículo es explorar la participación empresarial en la construcción de estos dos procesos regionales. La investigación y la exposición de...
Mendoza Cota, Jorge Eduardo
This paper analyzes the determinants of intraindustry trade in the manufacturing sector, the subsector of electronics and computers, and the subsector of transport equipment. An ARDL model is used to estimate the long- and short-term determinants. The results indicate that the evolution of intraindustry trade in the manufacturing sector between Mex...
Neves, Bárbara Carvalho Mariano, Karina Lilia Pasquariello
RESUMEN: El inicio de la segunda década del siglo XXI representó retrocesos en los impulsos regionalistas latinoamericanos y estuvo marcado por el desmantelamiento de Unasur, la parálisis de ALBA y problemas en la Celac y en el Mercosur. Gran parte de los estudios sobre el tema apuntan las tensiones en estos mecanismos regionales como resultado de ...
Tejedor Estupiñán, Joan Miguel
Fernandez Guillen, Oscar E.
This article analyzes Asean and Mercosur as integration processes, and their extra and interregional economic relations in order to identify differences, similarities and their exchanges in the areas of trade and investment. Following a documentary and quantitative investigation, the article determines convergence in at least three common elements:...
Pinzón Muñoz, Carlos Andrés Peña Jiménez, Yanyn Estefany Cuarán Ramos, Nallely Lucero Redondo Méndez, Andrea Carolina
The research aims to analyze the effects of foreign trade on the exports of the Colombian floriculture sector since the entry into force of the FTAs with Canada and the Republic of Korea. A descriptive and explanatory documentary method was used, while through official secondary sources, data collection was based on historical research. The finding...
Cáceres, Luis René
This article offers evidence of the positive role that the reduction of gender inequality plays in the economic growth of Central American countries. The analysis methodology consists of estimating equations by means of ordinary least squares, using a cross section of data from 2017 from seventeen Latin American countries. A model of economic inter...
Ramírez Bonilla, Juan José
Resumen En este texto se propone una lectura particular del proyecto transregional Asia del Pacífico-América del Norte-Europa (diseñado y puesto en práctica parcialmente por los asesores comerciales de Donald Trump) y de las condiciones en que enfrenta la competencia política del Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (CP...