Koražija, Klara
Socialna opora nosi zlasti v težkih situacijah, do katerih nas pripelje življenje, še posebej pomembno vlogo. Ker je tudi mlado starševstvo svojevrstna preizkušnja, ki prinaša mnoge izzive, sem se v diplomskem delu osredotočila na analizo socialne opore staršev v slovenskih mladih družinah. Za začetek sem se posvetila teoretski opredelitvi pojma so...
Premrl, Katja
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Socialna opora mladih pri iskanju prve zaposlitve sem ugotavljala, na koga se obrnejo mladi, ko se soočajo s strahovi pred brezposelnostjo in kdo jim nudi socialno oporo. Zato sem v teoretičnem delu opisala koncepte in oblike socialne opore, natančneje instrumentalno oporo, emocionalno oporo in informacijsko oporo ter o...
yan, wei chai, panfeng zhong, changbiao
This study delves into the significance of integrating small-scale aquaculturists. Through a unique linkage mechanism established between aquaculture cooperative societies and these small-scale practitioners, characterized by mutual risk-bearing and benefit-sharing, there is not only an incentive for the adoption of advanced aquaculture techniques ...
Pitse, Sarah B Risenga, Patrone R
Published in
Different lay healthcare workers play an important role in the retention of clients to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care. Retention to HIV care is crucial to promote treatment continuation, viral suppression and reduced risk of transmission. However, lay healthcare workers view and perceive support differently. The aim of the study was to inv...
Barry, Tom J.; Boddez, Yannick; Chiu, Christine H.M.; Raes, Filip; 35307;
status: published
Frenzel, Svenja B Junker, Nina M Häusser, Jan A Erkens, Valerie A van Dick, Rolf
Published in
The British journal of social psychology
Team identification is associated with less exhaustion and disengagement through more social support and higher collective self-efficacy. However, previous studies did not distinguish between emotional and instrumental support, even though both forms of support may relate differently to collective self-efficacy. By distinguishing between both suppo...
Hong, Yue Xu, Wei Zhao, Lijuan
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
Objectives Despite extensive studies about the direct effect of grandchild care on caregiver depression in China, understanding of its internal influencing mechanism has been limited. After controlling for socioeconomic factors, this study investigated whether the experience of caring for grandchildren had a long-term impact on the depression level...
Barry, Tom J. Boddez, Yannick Chiu, Christine H. M. Raes, Filip
We examine whether and how the autobiographical memories that we share can influence the social support that people offer us. Study 1 examined whether sharing specific (e.g., I was upset when reading my expartner's email last Friday) versus nonspecific (e.g., I was upset) memories influences support giving. Studies 2 and 3 additionally examined the...
Pierce, Jennifer Presto, Jacob Hinckley, Elizabeth Hassett, Afton L. Dickens, Joseph Schneiderhan, Jill R. Grace, Kathryn McAfee, Jenna
Published in
Frontiers in Pain Research
Higher perceived social support has been shown to buffer the impact of negative stressful events like childhood abuse on health outcomes. Yet, the role of perceived social support as a mediator of the association between childhood abuse and pain-related characteristics is not well understood. The present study explored this premise. Patients (n = 1...
tao, su hao, jinmiao jicong, yu
Background: Sensitivity to working environmental risks is essential to ensure the safety of geological investigators, but persistent perceived risks may lead to occupational strain, with negative effects on physical and mental health. This study aimed to find ways to reduce the negative consequences of working environmental risk perception without ...