Winocur, Rosalía Pérez Pollero, Martín Rojas, Camila
This article shares the results of an anthropological investigation into the consumption, appropriation, and socialization of political information among young people in the context of the 2019 presidential elections in Uruguay. The methodological strategy combined face-to-face interviews with follow-ups using the WhatsApp social network. Among the...
Sánchez Gonzales, Hada M. Alonso González, Marián
Fake news has become the main scourge of modern journalism to the point of not being able to distinguish the veracity of information. The latest Eurobarometer (2023) states that disinformation is a problem for 83% of Spaniards, a figure in line with that of our European neighbors, where only Finland falls below fifty percent. This concern has turne...
López-Martín, Álvaro Córdoba-Cabús, Alba
El artículo analiza la cobertura realizada por los rotativos El País, El Mundo y La Vanguardia en sus ediciones impresas sobre la sesión de investidura de Pedro Sánchez como presidente del Gobierno de España. Para ello, se seleccionaron todos los textos referidos a este asunto publicados entre el viernes 3 y miércoles 8 de enero de 2020 (n=333), a ...
Winocur, Rosalía Morales, Soledad Díaz, Francisco Rojas, Camila Montañés, Agustina
Resumen: Este artículo presenta los hallazgos de una investigación antropológica sobre las prácticas de consumo y socialización de la información política realizada en el contexto de las elecciones presidenciales de 2019 en Uruguay, que tuvo como premisa recuperar la perspectiva de los sujetos en la indagación del significado de sus prácticas. Los ...
Cazorla Martín, Angel Montabes Pereira, Juan López López, Paulo Carlos
Media, and in recent years social media, are a space for political confrontation that generate a framework for the interpretation of democracy and affections. Their consumption directly affects citizens attitudes, reinforcing previous beliefs and building both a cognitive and emotional framing. From this viewpoint, emotions are constructed and circ...
Rivera Otero, Xosé Manuel Lagares Díez, Nieves Pereira López, María Jaráiz Gulías, Erika
Introduction: The objective pursued by this research is to determine if there is a diversified use of social networks in our country and what is the relationship that such use has with the vote for political parties that citizens express, as well as with the presence emotional towards political leaders. If so, we could assume that the plataformizac...
Lagares Díez, Nieves López López, Paulo Carlos Jaráiz Gulías, Erika Rivera Otero, Xosé Manuel
This article analyzes the political uses of social media in Spain and the functions of digital communities that are generated through them. The 2018 European Social Survey for Spain, the General Elections Post-Election Study of November 2019 and the CIS Post-Election Barometer of the same election are used. In addition, almost half a million tweets...
García, Ana Pamela Paz Brussino, Silvina Alonso, Daniela
Reconociendo las condiciones de polarización del mercado mediático actual, se abordan características salientes del procesamiento cognitivo de información política textual de importancia coyuntural (noticias de prensa reales de fuentes ideológicas contrastantes). Aplicando un diseño experimental inter-sujetos de grupos aleatorios (con una variable ...
Carratalá, Adolfo Palau Sampio, Dolors
Research on media coverage of electoral campaigns point to an increasing mediatization. This paper seeks to corroborate whether the trend also takes place in exceptional circumstances, such as those surrounding the regional elections in Catalonia in 2017. The analysis compares the frames observed in six newspapers (El País, El Mundo, La Vanguardia,...
Soengas Pérez, Xosé Elías, Carlos López Cepeda, Ana María
Introduction. The research analyses political and institutional information on the news broadcasted by the Spanish public service media TVE, in order to know the processing of events involving political parties, institutions and representatives. Method. A mixed methodology is used. The quantitative analysis is needed to determine the degree of form...