Peña Saint Martin, Florencia López Alonso, Sergio
El presente trabajo se inscribe dentro de la investigación del papel de la familia como instancia mediadora entre los fenómenos vitales humanos y los macroprocesos sociales. Para ello, se analizan la estatura para la edad y el peso para la edad, con el propósito de valorar las condiciones en que tuvo lugar el desarrollo de 110 escolares (68 niñas y...
Fernández Antón, Estefanía
Resumen: A finales del siglo XIX y durante el primer tercio del siglo XX, los centros escolares tenían unas condiciones ambientales que contribuían con la expansión de la tuberculosis. La Escuela Moderna. Revista Pedagógica Hispano Americana es una publicación que destina varios de sus documentos a la prevención y superación de tal enfermedad. Es p...
Cruz Baena, María Elena
Resumen: Este artículo busca identificar las condiciones sociales de los niños trabajadores como peones dentro de las haciendas del Estado de México, durante el periodo en que el discurso porfiriano buscó hacer de la escuela el espacio idóneo para la infancia. El análisis del trabajo infantil a partir de variables como los jornales, las actividades...
Sartori, Mariana Raynaudo, Gabriela Peralta de Mendoza, Olga Alicia
Technological devices have a growing presence, however, in Argentina there is little information about their implementation in childhood. The objectives of this study were to describe the possession and habits of technology use at home, to investigate adult perceptions of such use, and to explore the participants’ profiles according to these variab...
Sosa, Gabriela
This article presents and analyzes the fundamental theoretical foundations of an interdisciplinary methodology called "The Second Mirror Stage", which combines Artistic Creation Education with electronics in a workshop aimed at children aged 8 to 12. The main purpose of this methodology is to foster the development of an early awareness of the psyc...
Batthyány, Karina
La desigualdad social y de género es una característica estructural de América Latina y el Caribe, cuyas diversas dimensiones resultaron seriamente agravadas a raíz de la pandemia de COVID-19. Una de ellas en particular quedó expuesta con mucha claridad: la injusta organización social del cuidado. La provisión del cuidado en la región es fundamenta...
Retiz, Olenka Uchuya, Daniel Nuñez del Prado, Juan Nóblega Mayorga, Magaly Bartra, Ramón
Difficulties in the socioemotional development of infants are associated with problems of adaptation to the social environment and greater probability of psychopathology during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Despite this, in the Latin American context there is no instrument available to assess such difficulties with infants, specially in so...
Fernández Antón, Estefanía
At the end of the 19th century and during the first third of the 20th century, schools contributed to the spread of tuberculosis. The Modern School. Hispanic American Pedagogical Magazine (1892 to 1934) sought the prevention and overcoming of such a disease. And the aim of the analysis is to identify the measures to overcome the tuberculosis in chi...
Neira, Paula Visiers Elizaincin, Ana
YouTube channels aimed at child audiences today have millions of viewers. The fact that the content of these channels is not subject to controls and are frequently created by people who are not experts in communication or early childhood education, besides the fragility of the audience, makes their review and study important. A relevant aspect to c...
Álvarez Sepúlveda, Humberto Andrés
The Chilean history curriculum and textbooks on the subject feature an adult-centered narrative that excludes children's participation in the study of the past, focusing on describing the political, economic, and military exploits of adult men representing the ruling sectors. To address this problem, this paper offers a philosophical-educational ...