Marlina, Irma Wibowo, Ginanjar Bastias, Desi Dwi Sijapati Basnett, Bimbika Prasetyo, Dinar Dwi Nasiir, Mercoledi
Published in
Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a multidimensional framework for monitoring progress on disability inclusion over time and among countries where reliable, disability disaggregated data is available. However, the SDGs alone do not provide insights into the causes of the social and economic disparities that people with disabilities face ...
Susilawati, Connie Devi, Bernadetta Atmoko, Darmawan Wilkinson, Sara Goonetilleke, Ashantha Arif Lukito, Jose
The Indonesian government has proposed that the capital city be relocated from Jakarta, the existing capital city, to Nusantara, the new capital on Kalimantan Island. Talk of relocation has been mainly triggered by the issues of overcrowding, sinking, and high frequency floods due to climate change in Jakarta. It is anticipated that the capital cit...
Suwarto, Dyna
Indonesia’s political reformation of 1998 and afterwards, resulted not only in the end of President Suharto’s decades of authoritarian rule, but also stimulated rapid growth and cultural contestation within the country’s film industry. Diverse film cultures proliferated throughout the archipelagic nation. One of the most important sites of this cul...
Oktaviani, Sofi Mizutani, Mayumi Nishide, Ritsuko Tanimura, Susumu
Published in
Objective Childhood obesity has emerged as a pressing health concern in both high-income and lower-middle-income countries, including Indonesia. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among school children aged 5-12 years has been increasing in Indonesia, with 20% of Indonesian children identified as obese or overweight in 2018. Therefore, addres...
Zdunek, Przemyslaw Stenger, Pierre‐louis
A record of using an aquatic trap to collect the Southeast Asian Water Monitor (Varanus salvator macromaculatus) in Indonesia
Palupi, Satiti Pambudi, Imran Surya, Asik Bramanthi, Rendra Arfi, Mohamad Suyanto, Suyanto Htet, Kyaw Ko Ko Chongsuvivatwong, Virasakdi
Published in
Introduction Information regarding the cross-risk of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and tuberculosis (TB) is still sparse. This study aimed to identify the patterns of sequence of COVID-19 vaccination and COVID-19 infection and to explore the association between COVID-19 vaccination, COVID-19 infection, and the development of active TB. Method...
Guntersah, Toddy Astari, Yufi K Rinonce, Hanggoro T Hutajulu, Susanna H Puspandari, Diah A
Published in
Introduction Triple assessment, consisting of clinical breast examination, breast imaging, and fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB), is the gold standard for breast lump diagnosis to avoid diagnostic errors. However, current diagnostic practices for breast lump cases in Indonesia are widely variable and evidence for triple assessment implementation...
Haris, Irfan Hutajulu, Susanna H Astari, Yufi K Wiranata, Juan A Widodo, Irianiwati Kurnianda, Johan Taroeno-Hariadi, Kartika W Hardianti, Mardiah S Purwanto, Ibnu Prabandari, Yayi S
Published in
Introduction Sexual dysfunction is rarely studied in Indonesian patients with breast cancer. We aimed to assess the prevalence of sexual dysfunction symptoms following chemotherapy, as well as the pattern and the associated factors. Methods This cross-sectional study included 135 female breast cancer patients receiving primary chemotherapy. The pre...
Novrinda, Herry Darwita, Risqa Rina Subagyo, Khumaira Adienia
Published in
European journal of dentistry
To determine (1) the level of knowledge regarding COVID-19 and dental emergency (DE) along with the factors that might be associated (2) with the effect of educational video on the level of knowledge among nondental students. This online pre-experimental study used an educational video regarding COVID-19 and DE with a one-group pretest-posttest des...
Sycheva, Anna Srey, Nak