Pénicaud, Manoël
Ce chapitre retrace le processus de restauration et de réhabilitation d’une synagogue à La Canée (Crète), après que la communauté israélite ait été décimée en 1944. Cette refondation est due à Nicholas Stavroulakis (1932-2017), tour à tour professeur, archéologue, muséographe, activiste, artiste, mystique… Depuis sa réouverture en 1999, ce lieu de ...
krause, carsten
The two modern concepts, “Engaged Buddhism” and renjian fojiao 人間佛教, with the variety of its English translations (such as “Humanistic Buddhism”), were developed and discussed with and without reference to each other over several decades. This article raises the question of how “Engaged Buddhism” has been portrayed in the Chinese-speaking world. It...
wong, baldwin
Recently, political philosophers have debated the role of religious reasons in public deliberations, such as appealing to religious convictions and religious classics. Exclusivists, such as Rawls, Quong, Hartley, and Watson, argue that democratic governments and citizens should restrict or exclude the use of religious reasons in making laws and pol...
patru, alina
This paper analyzes the model of theology of religions elaborated by the Romanian Orthodox theologian Dorin Oancea and highlights the possibilities for openness towards other religious realms and for real theological validation of non-Christian religions. It focuses both on the modern premises of this model and on the ways in which the author ensur...
harris, elizabeth j.
This paper argues for an interdisciplinary approach within the study of religion and conflict. Using a religious studies framework, it demonstrates that tools from human geography, peace studies, and the theology of religions can be used to shed light on the intractability of conflicts where religion is not “innocent”. Within human geography, the s...
dag, esra akay
Race’s typology has been widely used outside of the Christian tradition; however, it has been constructed in the light of the epistemological and soteriological concerns raised by Christian approaches towards other religions. Even though different questions generate the Christian and Islamic theologies of religions, Muslim and non-Muslim scholars h...
Collins, Dane Andrew
The contemporary debate concerning the Christian theology of religions has been profoundly shaped by Alan Race’s three-fold typology of exclusivism, inclusivism and pluralism. Although the insufficiency of this typology’s descriptive and critical capacity has become increasingly acknowledged within the field, widespread agreement about its replacem...
Doherty, John
Religious diversity is the inevitable corollary of globalization and with it comes the challenge and opportunities of greatly increased interaction with religious Others. The United States was founded on an Anglo-Saxon Protestant basis but has now become "the world’s most religiously diverse nation" according to one Harvard religious studies schola...
Dupont, Anthony; 50164;
© 2013 by Louvain Studies, all rights reserved. Against the background of the religious diversity that colored Lite antiquity, the current article studies how Augustine of Hippo (354-430) approached the 'religious others' of his era. His dealing with religious diversity is exemplified through two case studies: his attitude vis-a-vis the Donatists a...
drew, rose
Given that comparative theology is aimed at learning from the insights of other religious traditions, the comparative theologian’s confessional perspective must be engaged and subject to possible transformation through the discovery of truth in those traditions. Despite Francis Clooney’s and James Fredericks’ attempts to distance comparative theolo...