Isnart, Cyril Hottin, Christian
What is there in common between Chartres cathedral, the national museum at Rio de Janeiro, the historic archives of Cologne, the Lyon Town Hall or the copies of national monuments that the Gilets jaunes built on traffic roundabouts? All have been affected by sudden destruction with considerable impact on local or national memories. Beyond their div...
Gauthier, Aurélie
Site Internet de la Direction des Archives et du Patrimoine de l’Aube, rubrique « Un mois, une œuvre »,
Guenser, Colin
La maçonnerie constituait jusqu’au XIXe siècle le moyen privilégié de bâtir durablement. Aujourd'hui, les questions relatives à l’aptitude au service en tant qu’Établissement Recevant du Public des bâtiments anciens après un incendie restent sans réponse. La rénovation de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris suite à l’incendie de 2019 en fait un sujet...
Gonzales, Antonio
International audience
Clément, Benjamin Baldassari, David Ancel, Marie-José Blondel, François Bonaventure, Bertrand Carbone, Antony Carrato, Charlotte Chavot, Clément Collomb, Camille Collombet, Julien
La richesse des faubourgs de la colonie romaine de Vienne, installés en rive droite du Rhône, est connue depuis le xviiie siècle grâce aux vestiges encore en élévation du Palais du Miroir, édifice thermal riche en statuaires antiques, et par la découverte régulière de mosaïques à l’occasion de travaux agricole (Lauxerois 2013). Les fouilles de gran...
Vidal Riveros, Cristina Souza-Alonso, Pablo Bravo, Sandra Laino, Rafaela Ngo Bieng, Marie-Ange
Fire is a natural element of some tropical dry ecosystems. However, during the last decades, fire occurrence has become more frequent and intense due, in part, to climate change and land use transformation. This is the case in the Gran Chaco Americano, one of the largest dry forests all over the world that extends across Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivi...
Elogne, Aka Guy-Michel Piponiot, Camille Zo-Bi, Irie Casimir Amani, Bienvenu Hippolyte K Van der Meersch, Victor Herault, Bruno
Understanding the response of commercial timber species to fire is fundamental to designing sustainable forest management strategies in West Africa. In this area of high deforestation for agriculture, semi-deciduous tropical forests have been reduced to a trickle in 50 years and are now subject not only to logging but also to increasingly frequent ...
Gaboriau, Dorian M. Chaste, Emeline Girardin, Martin P. Asselin, Hugo Ali, Adam A. Bergeron, Yves Hély, Christelle
Dry and warm conditions have exacerbated the occurrence of large and severe wildfires over the past decade in Canada's Northwest Territories (NT). Although temperatures are expected to increase during the 21st century, we lack understanding of how the climate-vegetation-fire nexus might respond. We used a dynamic global vegetation model to project ...
Boutié, Elise
Le 8 novembre 2018, le Camp Fire, « méga-feu » le plus dévastateur de l’histoire de Californie, détruit l’ensemble de la ville de Paradise et ses alentours dans la Sierra Nevada. Débordées par cet incendie sans précédent, les forces de l’ordre ne parviennent pas à donner l’ordre d’évacuer aux 50 000 habitant·es de la zone qui finissent par fuir dan...
Dago, Marie Ruth Zo-Bi, Irie Casimir Badouard, Vincyane Patacca, Marco Herault, Bruno
West African semi-deciduous forests face multiple disturbances directly linked to human activities. A major unknown is the concomitant effects that these disturbances might have on forest communities. We (i) studied the long-term (>30 years) response of 17,038 trees from 207 semi-deciduous forest species to the three disturbances (fire, logging and...