Diaz-Vallejo, Emily J. Keefover-Ring, Ken Hennessy, Elizabeth Marín-Spiotta, Erika
Published in
Earth Science, Systems and Society
The geosciences continue to grapple with the exclusion of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and other students of Color. These patterns can be understood in the discipline’s roots in colonialism and extractivism. Furthermore, training of the scientific process as objective and race-neutral results in scientists who do not recognize how science can perpetu...
Gaido, Daniel
A review of Natopolitanism: The Atlantic Alliance since the Cold War. Edited by Grey Anderson. London: Verso, 2023. 368 p. ISBN: 9781804292372 / Recensão de Natopolitanism: The Atlantic Alliance since the Cold War. Edited by Grey Anderson. London: Verso, 2023. 368 p. ISBN: 9781804292372 / Natopolitanism es una colección de 22 ítems —3 fuentes prima...
Zecker, Robert M.
For East European migrants, part of acculturating to the US was embracing a “white” frame of mind. This process was facilitated by the Slavic-language press, where African, Asian, and other colonized peoples were often covered in a condescending manner. Yet a counternarrative rejecting white privilege and championing colonized peoples was offered i...
Whittell, Jesslyn Clark
This dissertation investigates the historical and present relationship of didactic poetry to the political thought of radical communities. Poetry from the Romantic period to the present is often seen as the valence of lyric and personal registers of thought, and its political utility is typically equated with the extent to which it resists concreti...
Sénécal, Michel
L’article a pour ambition de retracer la généalogie du livre Donald l’imposteur ou l’impérialisme raconté aux enfants d’Ariel Dorfman et Armand Mattelart, publié en 1976 aux éditions Alain Moreau à Paris. L’ouvrage s’inscrit dans la dynamique politico-culturelle de la transition vers le socialisme impulsée par l’Unité populaire au Chili à partir de...
Beliso-De Jesús, Aisha M. Pierre, Jemima Rana, Junaid
This review presents a historical and contemporary view of white supremacy as an entrenched global system based on presumed biological and cultural difference, related practices of racism, the valorization of whiteness, and the denigration of nonwhiteness. We center the role of the discipline of anthropology, and contend that the discipline is shap...
Baskar Weber, Medina
V zaključni nalogi Hegel in Kitajska: branje v Losurdovem ključu poskušamo s pomočjo Domenica Losurda, enega najpomembnejših sodobnih hegeljanskih filozofov, in nekaterih drugih avtorjev zagovarjati stališče, da Heglova filozofija ni zgolj evropocentrična in s tem globoko problematična, temveč da je ravno Heglova dialektična filozofija eno i...
McKay, Daniel
The first Colonial Conference met in London in 1887. The Conference was an experiment in imperial and international political consultation and came after years of lobbying by the Imperial Federation League (IFL) and the broader imperial unity movement which sought to reform Britain’s relations with its self-governing settler colonies. For the first...
Pešková, Michaela Mišterová, Ivona
The article proposes a hypothesis that traditional imagological concepts are no longer sufficient for interpreting the current and recent “imagological situation.” The authors argue that given the significant changes in the geopolitical ordering of the world in the post-imperial period, it is necessary to expand and internally categorize the terms ...
Sattler, Friederike
Published in
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
From the 1840s onwards, German merchants increasingly settled in China, Japan and other countries in East Asia and at the same time took on consular duties for their home cities and countries. They remained primarily independent entrepreneurs, but also acted as state representatives, which could lead to considerable tensions. The article explores f...