Espinoza, José Carlos Ramírez Díaz, Karla Ivonne
Resumen La presente investigación tiene como objetivo encontrar la relación existente entre la ideología de los partidos políticos y el crecimiento económico en México a nivel subnacional, considerando la teoría del Ciclo Político Económico (CPE) en su enfoque partidista. Para ello, se ha utilizado un análisis de regresión lineal, donde se han esti...
Paz García, Ana Pamela Sorribas, Patricia Taricco, Lucrecia Danieli, Natalia Elizabeth Gutiérrez, Mariana C.
The article proposes to analyze the link of citizen information diets with other variables of political behavior such as Political Sophistication (PS), Political Ideology (PI) and Political Interest (PIn). To do this, a more complex operationalization is used than the mere consideration of exposure time to news content, understanding consumption as...
Panchenko, Yury
The present article deals with the analysis of the political ideology in teaching of Spanish in the school of general education in Soviet Russia of the stalinist era (1947-1955). With this purpose we have established the periodization by means of the analysis of legal documents, as well as official correspondence and press. After that, we analyzed ...
López Quero, Salvador
This paper analyzes the pragmatic intensification as an argumentative strategy in the dis-course delivered by the King of Spain Felipe VI on October 3rd, 2017, two days after the illegal independence referendum held in Catalonia on October 1st. The analysis of the dif-ferent intensifying mechanisms, governed by the expressive and appellative functi...
García Sánchez, Efraín García Castro, Juan Diego Willis Sánchez, Guillermo Byrd Rodríguez Bailón, Rosa María
Abstract: In this study, we analyze the perception of economic inequality in everyday life in Spain based on political ideology. Using content analysis techniques, we processed 705 open-ended responses from 290 people and used network analysis to examine the relationships between the categories identified. We found that economic inequality is perce...
López-Espinosa Plaza, Agustín Jiménez Benítez, Victor Valencia Moya, Juan Romero, Juan Carlos Sandoval, Salvador Antonio
En el contexto de la disputa fronteriza presentada por Perú contra Chile ante la Corte de la Haya, este estudio analiza las influencias dos dimensiones motivacionales ideológicas: el Autoritarismo de Derecha (RWA) y la Orientación a la Dominancia Social (SDO) en un conjunto de actitudes intergrupales que involucran a ambas naciones. Con esta finali...
Brussino, Silvina Alonso, Daniela Cupani, Marcos Imhoff, Débora Paz García, Ana Pamela Rabbia, Hugo H.
Abstract Although political ideology is a core concept for contemporary political psychology, divergences persist in the literature regarding its structure and operationalization. This paper assesses the psychometric properties of the Escala de Ideología Política [Political Ideology Scale] operationally, that is, considering people's positioning re...
Brussino, Silvina Imhoff, Débora Rabbia, Hugo H. Acuña, María Inés Dreizik, Matias Paz García, Ana Pamela Alonso, Daniela
The objective of this study is to conduct a psycho-political analysis of the local political cultures of the population from three cities from Argentina: Córdoba, Salta and Neuquén. It deepened in the description of some typical variables of cultural studies such as values, ideology, and religiosity, incorporating variables of a more micro-social n...
Gómez, Mauricio C. García, Felipe E.
Background: The Chilean military dictatorship (1973-1990) left thousands of victims among those directly affected and their families, who were able to develop various mental health sequelae. Objective: The present study sought to evaluate a predictive model of posttraumatic growth (PTG) that included political ideology, religious coping and ruminat...
García, Ana Pamela Paz Brussino, Silvina Alonso, Daniela
Reconociendo las condiciones de polarización del mercado mediático actual, se abordan características salientes del procesamiento cognitivo de información política textual de importancia coyuntural (noticias de prensa reales de fuentes ideológicas contrastantes). Aplicando un diseño experimental inter-sujetos de grupos aleatorios (con una variable ...