He, Shoujie Zhang, Hong Qi, Renjie Zhou, Jia Jia, Liu Li, Qing
Published in
Physica Scripta
A rectangular hollow cathode discharge (HCD) in hydrogen with a pressure of 2 Torr is simulated using a 2-D fluid model. The potential, electric field, particle density, and average electron temperature are calculated. The discharge space consists of the cathode sheath region near the cathode electrode and the negative glow (NG) region in the centr...
Fabrikant, I I Ambalampitiya, H B
Published in
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
We study the process of laser-assisted radiative recombination of an electron with a proton in a cold hydrogen plasma employing the semiclassical Kramers’ approach which involves calculation of classical trajectories in combined laser and Coulomb fields and the use of the correspondence principle. Due to the Coulomb focusing effect, recombination i...
Shum, Rankin Cragun, Marah Williams, Tyler Rappleye, Devin
Published in
Journal of The Electrochemical Society
Residual water in molten CaCl2 reacts to form different byproducts, such as HCl, which can impact the corrosivity of the salt and efficiency of electrochemical operations, such as electrolytic oxide reduction and electrorefining. The ability to detect and quantify these byproducts electrochemically can provide feedback on the efficacy of vacuum dry...
Rouxhet, Rémy Loudeche, Maxime Santoro, Ronny Proost, Joris
Published in
Journal of The Electrochemical Society
Lime holds considerable potential in diverse environmental applications. However, its current production remains highly carbon-intensive, emitting more than one ton of CO2 per ton of lime. To address this issue, recent studies have explored the concept of electrifying the decarbonation of limestone to produce hydrated lime. In this work, a two-comp...
najman, filip
Tato práce se zabývá návrhem regionálního vodíkového čtyřnáprového vozidla HEMU 70. Byl proveden koncepční návrh vozidla a detailnější rozbor pohonného ústrojí a vypružení vozidla. Na závěr byly provedeny simulace pro ověření analytických výsledků. / This thesis deals with the design of a regional hydrogen four-axle vehicle HEMU 70. A conceptual de...
Lin, Yucheng Ma, Tengjie Chen, Wei Hu, Junhao Pang, Shusheng Chang, Chun Li, Pan
Published in
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering
The development of cost-effective and highly efficient biochar-based catalysts is essential for the catalytic steam reforming process of bio-oil. In this study, pickling peanut shell biochar was used to prepare biochar-supported Ni/Co monometallic catalyst and biochar-supported nickel-Co bimetallic catalyst through the impregnation method. The cata...
čech, lukáš
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou a návrhem systému generujícího elektrickou energii pomocí fotovoltaických panelů s využitím akumulace elektrické energie do vodíku. Hlavním cílem práce je navrhnout takový systém, který umožní plně uspokojit potřebu elektrické energie zvoleného subjektu v průběhu celého roku s výrobou elektrické energie pouz...
borovec, štěpán
Cílem této bakalářské práce je přispět k lepšímu pochopení potenciálu vodíku jako nosiče energie a jeho využití v rafinériích. Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na analýzu aktuálních projektů dekarbonizace rafinérií pomocí zeleného vodíku a návrh vlastního výpočtu pro zlepšení udržitelnosti rafinérií. V první kapitole jsou popsány základní charakteristi...
Anayochukwu Ani, Vincent
Published in
Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability
The sizing of the energy components is essentially designed to prevent outages and ensuring the reliability of the power supply. This paper focuses on the development of a stand-alone photovoltaic/battery/fuel cell power system considering the demand of load, generating power, and effective multi-storage strategy using a probabilistic sizing algori...
Amouyal, Edmond
The intermetallic compound LaNi5 has been shown both to catalyze, under visible light irradiation, the in situ photogeneration of hydrogen from water in a model system using Ru(bpy)3 2+ as a photosensitizer, and to partially store the hydrogen so produced in the form of a hydride LaNi5Hx. The stored hydrogen can be easily released by moderate heati...