How small is beautiful? : food self-sufficiency and land gap analysis of smallholders in humid and semi-arid sub Saharan...
Keywords: crop yields, earthworm cast, Inga edulis , land use, nutrient flows, nutrient stocks, nutrient management, slash and burnA field study was conducted on acid soils in the humid forest zone of Southern Cameroon, to characterize the traditional slash-and-burn land uses, assess the major effects of land use change on soil nutrient stocks, flo...
The impact of land use systems on soil macrofauna community structures is described as well as their relationships with the vegetation and soil parameters in the humid forest zone of southernCameroon. 36 Earthworm species were found. A completely different earthworm assemblage was found at high LUI while low and medium LUI blocks had species in com...
The reported investigations concern aspects of mechanized farming for the production of rainfed crops on the loamy soils of the Zanderij formation in Suriname and in particular, the effect of tillage on crop yield and soil properties, workability of field operations and timeliness of field operations. The results were evaluated as to their effect o...