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De Mesnard, Louis
Bradburd and Ross have proposed a measure of multidimensional inequality based on a quadratic-loss criterion: one matrix is compared to another even if they have not the same margins. This is reconsidered. One removes the effect of size variation between the analyzed distribution and the reference distribution by giving to the two matrices the same...
De Mesnard, Louis
When they actively control the firm, owners select the firm that has the best profit rate if the hypothesis of mobility of capital is adopted: controlled-by-owner firms are profit-rate-maximizing when sleeping-owner firms are pure-profit-maximizing. Both types are compared in monopoly, in perfect competition, in classical or in mixed duopoly. Alway...
De Mesnard, Louis
The causative-matrix method to analyze temporal change assumes that a matrix transforms one Markovian transition matrix into another by a left multiplication of the first matrix; the method is demand-driven when applied to input-output economics. An extension is presented without assuming the demand-driven or supply-driven hypothesis. Starting from...
De Mesnard, Louis
Inequality is appreciated only through a relevant measure, traditionally the Gini index, but this one presents a weakness that prevents to consider it as valid: to a same Gini may correspond many distributions. For the most simple case, a concentration curve with two linear segments, a criterion is proposed, based on the maximin: beside curves with...
Jaffre, Didier
Alors que l'approche institutionnelle de la planification sanitaire cible l'évolution du besoin en soins hospitaliers, c'est à dire en inputs, l'approchepopulationnelle part du besoin de santé global de la population, dont la satisfaction constitue l'output du processus de soins. La modélisation présentée dans cet article procède d'une telle logiqu...
Ertur, Cem
Nous présentons dans ce papier une synthèse critique des procédures de tests de la racine unitaire les plus utilisées dans la littérature empirique en distinguant celles qui supposent que la composante déterministe de la série considérée suit une tendance linéaire de celles qui supposent qu'elle suit une composante non-linéaire. Cette distinction e...