Otegbayo, Bolanle Omolara Oluyinka, Oroniran Tanimola, Abiola Bisi, Fawehinmi Ayomide, Alamu Tomilola, Bolaji Madu, Tessy Okoye, Benjamin Chijioke, Ugo Ofoeze, Miriam
BACKGROUND: Assessment of the key preferred quality traits in pounded yam, a popularly consumed yam food product in West Africa, is often done through sensory evaluation. Such assessment is time-consuming and results may be biased. Therefore, there is a need to develop objective, high-throughput methods to predict the quality of consumer-preferred ...
Olaosebikan, Deborah Olamide Bello, Abolore De Sousa, Kauê Ndjouenkeu, Robert Adesokan, Michael Alamu, Emmanuel Agbona, Afolabi Van Etten, Jacob Kegah, Franklin Ngoualem Dufour, Dominique
BACKGROUND: Nigeria and Cameroon are multi-ethnic countries with diverse preferences for food characteristics. The present study aimed to inform cassava breeders on consumer-prioritized eba quality traits. Consumer testing was carried out using the triadic comparison of technologies (tricot). Diverse consumers in villages, towns and cities evaluate...
Akankwasa, Kenneth Marimo, Pricilla Bouniol, Alexandre Tumuhimbise, Robooni Asasira, Moreen Kisakye, Sarah Khakasa, Elizabeth Tinyiro, Samuel Edgar Mukasa, Yusuf Tukashaba, Living
BACKGROUND: The relevance of several characteristics for the acceptability of steamed East Africa bananas (matooke) was assessed using consumer-preferred characteristics, the overall liking scores, check-all-that-apply (CATA) and the Just About Right scale. The study was conducted in rural and urban locations in three banana growing regions of Ugan...
Dufour, Dominique Ceballos, Hernan Hershey, Clair Hamaker, Bruce R. Lorenzen, Jim
Forsythe, Lora Olaosebikan, Deborah Olamide Teeken, Béla Ngoh Newilah, Gérard Mayanja, Sarah Nanyonjo, Ann Ritah Iragaba, Paula Okoye, Benjamin Marimo, Pricilla Kenneth, Akankwasa
Crop breeding in sub-Saharan Africa has made considerable gains; however, postharvest and food-related preferences have been overlooked, in addition to how these preferences vary by gender, social difference and context. This context is changing as participatory approaches using intersectional gender and place-based methods are beginning to inform ...
Adinsi, Laurent Djibril Moussa, Imayath Honfozo, Laurenda Bouniol, Alexandre Meghar, Karima Alamu, Emmanuel Oladeji Adesokan, Michael Arufe Vilas, Santiago Ofoeze, Miriam Okoye, Benjamin
BACKGROUND: Boiled yam key quality attributes typical for West African consumers are: crumbly, easy to break, and sweet taste. New yam varieties are being developed but high or medium throughput tools to assess the required quality traits and their range of acceptance are limited. This study assessed the acceptance thresholds of these quality attri...
Ayetigbo, Oluwatoyin Arufe Vilas, Santiago Kouassi, Antonin Adinsi, Laurent Adesokan, Michael Escobar, Andrés Delgado, Luis Fernando Tanimola, Abiola Oroniran, Oluyinka Kendine Vepowo, Cédric
Roots, tubers and bananas (RTBs) contribute immensely to food security and livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America. The adoption of RTB genotypes in these regions relies on the interplay among agronomic traits, ease of processing and consumer preference. In breeding RTBs, until recently little attention was accorded key textural t...
Kouassi, Jean Hugues Martial Dibi, Konan Evrard Brice Boye, Mambé Auguste-Dénise Essis, Brice Sidoine Kouakou, Amani Michel N'Zue, Boni Dufour, Dominique
Background: In an environment where the adoption of improved varieties resulting from plant breeding programs is limited, it is essential to identify end-user preferences beforehand. A participatory survey was conducted in eight localities in Korhogo and Bouaké regions (central and northern Cote d'Ivoire respectively) to identify producers' prefere...
Alamu, Emmanuel Oladeji Teeken, Béla Ayetigbo, Oluwatoyin Adesokan, Michael Kayondo, Ismail Siraj Chijioke, Ugo Madu, Chijioke Okoye, Benjamin Abolore, Bello Njoku, Damian
Background: Gari and eba, forms of cassava semolina, are mainly consumed in Nigeria and other West African countries. This study aimed to define the critical quality traits of gari and eba, to measure their heritability, to define medium and high throughput instrumental methods for use by breeders, and to link the traits with consumer preferences. ...
Iragaba, Paula Adinsi, Laurent Delgado, Luis Fernando Nanyonjo, Ann Ritah Nuwamanya, Ephraim Wembabazi, Enoch Kanaabi, Michael Honfozo, Laurenda Hotegni, Francis Djibril Moussa, Imayath
BACKGROUND: Consumers of boiled cassava in Africa, Latin America and Asia use specific preference criteria to evaluate its cooking quality, in terms of texture, colour and taste. To improve adoption rates of improved cassava varieties intended for consumption after boiling, these preference criteria need to be determined, quantified and integrated ...