Gbenou, Gérard Xavier Assouma, Mohamed Habibou Bastianelli, Denis Kiendrebeogo, Timbilfou Bonnal, Laurent Zampaligre, Nouhoun Bois, Bérénice Sanogo, Souleymane Sib, Ollo Martin, Cécile
In Africa, a wide variety of diets (forage + crop co-products or other agricultural by-products) is being used by livestock farmers in different production systems to adapt to climate change. This study aimed to assess the performance of various local feeding strategies on Sudanese Fulani zebu cattle. Two experiments were carried out on 10 steers a...
Kouassi, Jean Hugues Martial Dibi, Konan Evrard Brice Boye, Mambé Auguste-Dénise Essis, Brice Sidoine Kouakou, Amani Michel N'Zue, Boni Dufour, Dominique
Background: In an environment where the adoption of improved varieties resulting from plant breeding programs is limited, it is essential to identify end-user preferences beforehand. A participatory survey was conducted in eight localities in Korhogo and Bouaké regions (central and northern Cote d'Ivoire respectively) to identify producers' prefere...
Sorel, Maëva Gay, Pierre-Emmanuel Vernier, Camille Cissé, Sory Piou, Cyril
To be efficient, locust swarm control must focus on the place where eggs are laid and hopper bands may appear. But swarms travel a lot and among all the places likely to host them, there is a need to predict to which exactly they will fly. It is then essential to consider movement dynamics to anticipate any displacement that may lead to a further r...
Grisa, Catia Sabourin, Eric Wesz Junior, Valdemar Cortes, Geneviève
Schloesing, Elodie Caron, Alexandre Chambon, Rémi Courbin, Nicolas Labadie, Morgane Nina, Roch Mouiti Mbadinga, Frida Ngoubili, Wilfrid Sandiala, Danficy Bourgarel, Mathieu
Studying wildlife space use in human-modified environments contributes to characterize wildlife-human interactions to assess potential risks of zoonotic-pathogens transmission, and to pinpoint conservation issues. In central African rainforests with human dwelling and activities, we conducted a telemetry study on a group of males of Hypsignathus mo...
Wanjohi, Milka Njeri Pradeilles, Rebecca Asiki, Gershim Holdsworth, Michelle Kimani-Murage, Elizabeth W. Muthuri, Stella Irache, Ana Laar, Amos Zotor, Francis Tandoh, Akua
Objective: To explore communities' perspectives on the factors in the social food environment that influence dietary behaviours in African cities. Design: A qualitative study using participatory photography (Photovoice). Participants took and discussed photographs representing factors in the social food environment that influence their dietary beha...
Mikicic, Estelle Jouven, Magali Etienne, Laura Zoungrana, Sombénéwendé Rasmata Bastianelli, Denis
In Mediterranean countries, shrubby and woody areas provide herds with cheap fodder. However, some horse farmers are reluctant to use woody rangelands, which they associate with low-quality feed. In this article, we explore some aspects of the feeding behavior of horses on Mediterranean shrubby and woody rangelands, in order to document their pasto...
Tibère, Laurence Poulain, Jean-Pierre Fischler, Claude Bricas, Nicolas
Cet article étudie les attentes et les aspirations des Bamakois et Bamakoises (habitants de la capitale du Mali) concernant leur alimentation. Dans un contexte de transition alimentaire en milieu urbain, il s'intéresse à la façon dont les représentations de l'alimentation et à travers elles, les modèles alimentaires, se déploient entre attentes lié...
Lepiller, Olivier (ed.) Fournier, Tristan (ed.) Bricas, Nicolas (ed.) Figuie, Muriel (ed.)
Researchers rarely reveal the details of the methodological choices on which their research is based. The theoretical and practical considerations that have guided them in these choices often remain implicit. In this book, the focus is on methods for studying food and 'eaters'. The use of the term 'eaters' is intended to distinguish them from the s...
fra, grdr - - fra, cirad-es-umr moisa
Cette étude décrit la diversité et les caractéristiques de l'environnement alimentaire dans lequel s'approvisionnent et consomment les ménages de Ziguinchor (Sénégal), ainsi que leurs pratiques d'approvisionnement et de consommation alimentaire. Elle met en évidence le dynamisme et la densité du commerce de détail alimentaire dans cette ville. Il e...