Den här rapporten tar upp en central aspekt kring allmännyttans roll på den svenska bostadsmarknaden, nämligen vilka krav och regler som påverkar vilka som får tillträde till dessa bostäder. Allmännyttans särställning som en garant för en generell tillgång till bra bostäder för alla avgörs i praktiken av lokala regler hos de kommunala allmännyttig...
Rental housing tenants in Sweden and Europe are increasingly seeing their homes subsumed to market pressures. This thesis provides empirical and conceptual insights into the processes by which market and financial practices and logics shape the housing sector, through a critical analysis of rental housing in Malmö, Sweden. The aim of the thesis is ...
Rental housing tenants in Sweden and Europe are increasingly seeing their homes subsumed to market pressures. This thesis provides empirical and conceptual insights into the processes by which market and financial practices and logics shape the housing sector, through a critical analysis of rental housing in Malmö, Sweden. The aim of the thesis is ...
Rapporten ger en historisk genomlysning och kartläggning av allmännyttans utveckling i Malmö och Göteborg, och syftar vidare till att förklara de likheter och skillnader som idag finns mellan företagen och deras bostadsbestånd i de båda städerna. Bland annat belyses varför de allmännyttiga bostäderna i Malmö är samlade under ett och samma kommunala...
In the article was analysed social and economic factors that influence on housing in the cities of Ukraine. building of metropolises of Ukraine is carried out in the article. Offered approach to the decision of housing problems on the example of city of Lviv.
"The Durable Slum" is a historical and ethnographic account of Mumbai’s slums, seen through the lens of Dharavi, famous in the 1990s as Asia’s ‘largest slum’. Liza Weinstein traces out the shifting fortunes of Dharavi over the last 50–60 years, as the state cycled between ‘violent insurgencies... interspersed with more benevolent programmatic inter...
"The Durable Slum" is a historical and ethnographic account of Mumbai’s slums, seen through the lens of Dharavi, famous in the 1990s as Asia’s ‘largest slum’. Liza Weinstein traces out the shifting fortunes of Dharavi over the last 50–60 years, as the state cycled between ‘violent insurgencies... interspersed with more benevolent programmatic inter...