Langarita, Jose Antonio Mas Grau, Jordi Albertín Carbó, Pilar
Las experiencias que se sitúan al margen de las lógicas heterosexuales y cisgénericas han sido objeto de interés penal desde el siglo XVIII. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas, las prácticas sexuales entre personas del mismo sexo, así como las identidades o expresiones de género que no se articulan a través de la concordancia entre genitales y gén...
Kulpa, Roberto Kania, Toni
Poland's transforming socio-cultural landscape has witnessed across the years an intensified political focus on issues of gender and sexuality, which have become a battleground for a diverse spectrum of views and group interests. There has been notable persistence of conservative, and indeed hostile, stances towards gender andsexual equalities. To ...
Luša, Lia
V diplomski nalogi sem se ukvarjala s tabu temami v kratki pripovedi Mojce Kumerdej, natančneje v zbirkah Temna snov in Gluha soba. Najprej sem zbirki na kratko predstavila, nato pa sem s pomočjo strokovne literature razložila pomen besede tabu ter predstavila ugotovitve nekaterih znanih antropologov in psihologov na tem področju. S pomočjo literat...
Vanliefde, Aurore; 132647;
status: published
Oprešnik, Luka
Didier Eribon, Édouard Louis in Dijana Matković v svojih avtobiografskih delih popisujejo izkušnje revščine, homofobije in ksenofobije iz otroštva, svoje napore, da bi se izognili tem oblikam nasilja in posledicam, ki so jih pri tem nevede utrpeli. Teh se začno zavedati šele veliko pozneje, ko skozi pisanje razčlenijo in analizirajo izkušnje, ki so...
Reece, Brian J. Jenkins, Diana L. Folger, Austin C. Shaw, Daniel S. Neiderhiser, Jenae M. Ganiban, Jody M. Leve, Leslie D.
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Although the adoption rate among same-sex couples has been increasing, limited research has focused on factors influencing decision making related to placing children with such couples, particularly from the standpoint of birth mothers. Additionally, there is a gap in the literature regarding how biases may influence birth mothers’ decision to plac...
Brody, Evan Greenhalgh, Spencer P Sajjad, Mehroz
Published in
Journal of homosexuality
This article presents a critical discourse analysis of groups on the free speech social media platform Gab that were intended to be LGBTQ+-friendly but became spaces of queerphobia. Results indicate that Gab users deployed discourses of difference to situate the platform as heteronormative and to denigrate the LGBTQ+ community. In particular, disco...
cabrera, maría silvestre prieto, raquel royo fradua, iratxe aristegui
The aim of the article is to determine which countries show the most homophobic attitudes and understand the profile of homophobia in Europe. This article analyses data from the survey “European Values Study” and focuses on three of its questions: “Do you think homosexual people can be good parents”; “the degree of justification of homosexuality”, ...
Exner-Cortens, Deinera Claussen, Caroline Jenney, Angelique Vijayan, Vineetha Warriyar Kodalore
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Introduction Homophobia is well-documented as key to social regulation of masculine behavior and practices in Western settings. Yet, empirical data from a number of Western settings has shown a decline in overt homophobic attitudes in the past decade, leading some to suggest that the nature of masculinities is also changing. However, theorizing on ...
mausz, justin d’eath, joel jackson, nicholas a. johnston, mandy batt, alan m. donnelly, elizabeth a.
Violence against paramedics is widely recognized as a serious, but underreported, problem. While injurious physical attacks on paramedics are generally reported, non-physical violence is less likely to be documented. Verbal abuse can be very distressing, particularly if the harassment targets personal or cultural identities, such as race, ethnicity...