Dincer, Nergiz Eichengreen, Barry Martinez, Joan J.
We assemble an almost complete set of central bank statutes since 1800 to assess the legal independence of central banking institutions. We use these to extend existing indices of legal independence backward and forward in time. We document the trend toward increased independence post 1980 as well as an earlier, more limited movement in the directi...
Pieniążek, Paweł
In the article I present the influence of Rousseau’s philosophy on Lévi-Strauss reflection on the status and vocation of cultural anthropology. He develops this reflection in the context of his readings of Rousseau’s work, which he gives ethnological and anthropological meaning. In the first part of the article, I discuss the issues of two fundamen...
Libera, Zbigniew
The article refers to the conceptualization of the body in traditions of Central and Eastern Europe in modern and contemporary times. It is part of a larger work that concerns cultural anatomy, physiology, psychology and ethnosemiotics. / Od 30 lat publikuję prace z zakresu antropologii i historii ciała. Dotyczą one kulturowej anatomii, fizjologii,...
Daszyńska, Jolanta
The author of this article presents her own perspective on the social phenomenon of reenactment. As historian and reenactor she argues with the thesis that the battles depicted are historical reconstructions, as they are only reminders of past events. As proof of this, she cites many arguments confirming that battle spectacles cannot be considered ...
Frampton, Sally Orievulu, Kingsley Matthews, Philippa C. Giubilini, Alberto Hordern, Joshua Burns, Lizzie Elias, Sean Friederich, Ethan Majozi, Nomathamsanqa Martin, Sam
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
Whilst many lessons were learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing reflection is needed to develop and maintain preparedness for future outbreaks. Within the field of infectious disease and public health there remain silos and hierarchies in interdisciplinary work, with the risk that humanities and social sciences remain on the epistemological pe...
Siette, Joyce Mazza, Marianna
Published in
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Bourgade, Marcel
L’histoire des Bothrops Trigonocéphales de la Caraïbe orientale, B. lanceolatus (Lacepède, 1789) et B. caribbaeus (Garman, 1887), répartis uniquement sur les deux iles de Sainte-Lucie et de Martinique, reconstituée sur la base des données de la paléobiologie et de la paléogéologie de la biodiversité de la Caraïbe, contribue à une remise en question...
Bourgade, Marcel
Fundamentally this history of the endemic iguanas of the Caribbean, reconstructed on the basis of data from the paleobiology and paleogeology of the biodiversity of the Caribbean, contributes to a questioning of the vision hitherto accepted underestimating the tectonic geological history , presenting an eastern Caribbean which would be made up of a...
Bourgade, Marcel
The history of the Opossums, Manicous of the Eastern Caribbean, Didelphis marsupialis insularis(Linnaeus, 1758), distributed from the latitude of Grenada to that of Dominica, reconstructed on the basis of data from paleobiology and paleogeology of the biodiversity of the Caribbean, contributes to a questioning of the vision hitherto accepted undere...
Bullen, Kathryn Faye
The thesis comprises a comprehensive place-name survey of the Isle of Axholme, particularly of its minor names, in the style of the English Place-Name Society survey volumes. It consists of an introductory discussion of Axholme, followed by analysis of the names of major topographical features and river-names of the area, with sections of the eight...